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Log vehicle destruction [TUT / How To)

WGC GeekGarage


So we have some issue with players on our servers going around just to destroy vehicles in bases which is against our server rules (pointless destruction of objects). I was thinking if it was possible to some how incorporate some code in server_updateObject.sqf so you can use the diag_log to see who damaged and or killed a vehicle?


i was thinking about using the "_object_damage" and "_object_killed" function in server_updateObject.sqf to also have the player logged via diag_log?


Any one have some solutions to this.


i was thinking that the log in RPT file should look like this: "VehicleDest: Player [name] damaged/destroyed vehicle [classname/displayname] at location [coords]"


you could always just use the "mapgridposition" to get ingame coords


If logging vehicle damage and destruction with player who did it another way i don't see please let me know. logging with the ID of the vehicle is just fine, but if you can have classname and or display name that would be fine too.


I just can't wrap my head around how to do it?


Running dedicated server so got full access to all files you want me to edit :)

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