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ems or wai mission system


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the real issue you have is that the 3 ai i know about all have flaws, as a server owner i do not let people run them over i explain it is an exploit and delete the ammo box if i catch them, as far as smarter it would seem the sarge have more abilities then the wicked just on the simple fact you can fortify the saerge and it actually works, the ease of use on the wicked is major + but they are very dumb and squichy, although i would have to say i love them  and i use both ai on my server till i figuer out better ones

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I use the original WAI - added in vehicle patrols to the missions last night. My group got absolutely wasted by a GPK HMMWV on our first attempted mission. Was great  :lol:. Might add some air patrols in to mix things up even more.


I agree with what Poet said...the AI can be quite clueless at times, even on high skill settings (although this is true of any AI in any of the mod packages). 


edit: one suggestion given to me was to add various structures as part of the mission spawn, so there wouldn't be direct line-of-sight to all the AI from 1000m+...might force players to get a bit closer...which is where the added vehicles + choppers might really make things interesting.

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I think people need to understand that under the bonnet all the AI are Arma AI. There are some modifications granted but essentially when setup to do something they behave the same way. Difficulty is broken down into AI settings, AI weapons and mission location. If you want AI to engage you at distance give them better weapons. 


Currently I've been headshot while standing in a bunker at 600m by standard EMS AI (SVD). 1600m by Sarge AI (ZU23) and 1100m or thereabouts in WAI (M2 through helicopter windshield).


WAI is more difficult due to the heavy weapons but if you can take them down it becomes quite easy since one hit from anything will kill them. Standard EMS is much the same without the heavy weapons. EMS type missions with DAYZAI is quite good especially if you give them RPG's. 


At the moment all of them have issues with vehicles and being run over.


Most of my missions are in urban areas, typically around 400m is the max engagement range and increases the difficulty by a huge amount. 

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