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Large Industrial Zombie-Proofing


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Building a base at the industrial complex on the NE corner of Berezino (note: it's on a build-guild PvE server, so I'm not worried about base raids) and trying to zombie proof it. Here's my steps so far:


  1. Build perimeter fence around whole thing (with exception of gap on coast-side for vehicle access) using corrugated (basically running it along the existing fence, but on the outside of it) to protect the base and to help cut down on zombie LOS aggro.
  2. Building perimeter fence along upper areas/walls to help with zombie LOS aggro as well (2nd & 3rd floors)

Now around the huge tanks there, there are two ladders that go to the ground... which the zombies are MORE than happy to climb up to come up and harass me. I've already put corrugated near the ladder access areas at the top but the zombies just wander right through them. I think the corrugated might be too close to the top of the ladder, so when the animation/pathing kicks in they're essentially already "glitched" through the corrugated wall. 


My next consideration is to put a sandbag "square" around the base of the ladders to attempt to prevent the zombies from having access to the ladders/climbing sequence. However, I'm worried that if they aggro, then their pathing is basically just going to allow them to blow by anything I put down below. I know I won't be able to block the zombies that spawn INSIDE the compound, but I'd like to keep the zombies on the outside... outside. 


Anybody have any tried and true ways to prevent zombies from walking through corrugated walls/keeping out of the base? 

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I've tried tank traps, wire fencing, flooring, and even a ceiling over hang on the outside of the perimeter walls and they still just wander through like they aren't even there. I've no idea what else to try. I love building in that area as well and would love a solution.

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Floors... If I remember correctly Zombies don't like to step on player built floors. So you can zombie proof an area by having a floor that just sticks out of the ground. Players will step up that tiny little bit just fine but Zombies will not step on it. Since you can do it with wood you can put 1/4 floors under ladders and use 1/2 floors to make invisible walls, so to speak. I'd try it under the ladders first to see if I am correct but I think that might do it. I'm unsure about that area because in my experience enclosing an area with modular pieces stops zombies from wandering through them. If there is a gap they will sometimes walk right through even walls but completely enclosed stops them. I've done it with stick fences out in the wilderness to stop them from wandering into my woodcutting/crafting area while building up my base and I've done it with H-barriers in a field with a cement garage door. I'm not certain about corrugated as I never use it but it should act the same way if tied off to proper doors and not just left unfinished.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I had tried several 1/4 floors on a ladder... one hovering a couple steps above the ground, one at waist height and one probably about chest/chin height. Tried them individually as well as all three at once. Zombies ran right up the ladder, walked a couple more steps and then hopped up on the ladder. So that doesn't appear to be it, I guess. 


I have never seen a zombie be able to walk into a base room ( elevated floor + sandbags under floor edges +4 walls) though... so maybe if I build a small 1x1 room at the base of the stairs with a small stairway going up to the door, that'd prevent them from using the ladder AND give ME access to the ladder. Hmmmmm... maybe....

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I am pretty sure that the small room works.

I have a concrete garage door on a road and the zeds just come right through it, but I made a square room with a second garage door coming off of the first one and the zeds go around it now.

I have to make it a little bigger to block the whole entrance but it does seam to work.

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So I had tried several 1/4 floors on a ladder... one hovering a couple steps above the ground, one at waist height and one probably about chest/chin height. Tried them individually as well as all three at once. Zombies ran right up the ladder, walked a couple more steps and then hopped up on the ladder. So that doesn't appear to be it, I guess. 


I have never seen a zombie be able to walk into a base room ( elevated floor + sandbags under floor edges +4 walls) though... so maybe if I build a small 1x1 room at the base of the stairs with a small stairway going up to the door, that'd prevent them from using the ladder AND give ME access to the ladder. Hmmmmm... maybe....

I doubt a 1/4 floor is large enough to restrict their access to the ladder menu, try a full floor with the ladder centered in it.

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