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Crafting system


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After ready/watching videos on crafting I thought I had it down but I cant seem to make lumber to save my life. I'm hosting through Dayz.st and wondering if the coder missed something but all I can do is create locked wooden gates or arrows when I have wood equipped. I saw there would be a new requirement for the workshop to be present to make lumber but I cant build one (it requires lumber) and I can't find one. Am I totally missing something or is my server incorrectly installed.

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i am in the same situation.  i have a .ST server running Epoch on Chernarus.


i have the proper tools, i have a hunting knife, hatchet, entrenching tool, i search out wood sheds, and am inside of them or outside near them, and i still only get options while having woodpiles in my inventory to create a gate or an arrow, i am unable to figure out how to make lumber, so all of my base building is at a halt until i can get this figured out.


Any help or suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated.

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dayz.st "If I'm correct" isn't even using version 1.0.1 You are probably using which doesn't have the new crafting system in it. 


You will have to talk with dayz.st for them to provide updates.


I do know that bloodydayz.com servers are up to version 1.0.1 and we work with them to make sure Epoch can be played at it's fullest. You might want to check them out.

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