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Map additions for Chernarus Archive (100+)


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For the last few days I've been on github and different forums looking for a specific map addition, which I never found btw,  while looking for it I ran into so many map changes and addons that I decided to compile them all together for you.

There are 125 seperate .sqf files in the folder, however some may be duplicates (as in theres a few different Balota changes), but there are some really really good ones such as `GOC_TE_bash`, I just thought I'd share my findings with the community.

Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X6b6zObz-ZrCfJN4rz-Gc9J52U1PfUjn/view?usp=sharing

Friendly reminder, adding ALL of them to your server will cause significant FPS loss, it's recommended that you view them and pick the ones you want.

Short tutorial if you don't know how: 

->@DayZ_Epoch_Server -> addons -> unpack `dayz_server.pbo' -> open the folder -> make a file called "build.sqf" -> make a folder called "custom_buildings" -> open said folder and drop any of the map addons in it that you want.

Inside 'build.sqf' just call the addon script like this: "execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\custom_buildings\oil_rig.sqf"; //[12948.765, 681.96075, 17.649464]" this is for admins to teleport to easily

Go back to the server folder and find a folder called INIT -> server_functions.sqf -> find "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\loot\init.sqf";" -> Below it  add: "#include "\z\addons\dayz_server\build.sqf";//build custom map addons before player setup"

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