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Cant find out where this Warning is coming from



Hey guys


I prepare a little server for my friends. Some oldschool dayz :)

Somehow since i added a lot of scripts this appears:

Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.


I already installed every thing step by step again and it suddenly appears.

I also saw some other topics in this forum with the same question but no answer.. so i hope somebody here know where it coming from.


Edit: Does always happen when i die and respawn.


Thank you!

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12 answers to this question

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Are other players on your server having this same issue or is it just you? Also, is this server being hosted by you or are you using a server provider?

If it's just you, validate your files through Steam (Right click Arma 2 OA in your Steam library >> Properties >> "Local Files" tab >> "Verify Integrity of Game Files").

If it's happening for all your players, please provide an RPT file.

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  On 4/17/2020 at 7:54 PM, THAC0_Gewch said:

Are other players on your server having this same issue or is it just you? Also, is this server being hosted by you or are you using a server provider?

If it's just you, validate your files through Steam (Right click Arma 2 OA in your Steam library >> Properties >> "Local Files" tab >> "Verify Integrity of Game Files").

If it's happening for all your players, please provide an RPT file.


Thanks for reply

My friend also saw this message.

Yeah its hosted on nitrado


And it only happens when i need to respawn. I also use this spawn selection script.. but already tested without and only the DZE_spawnselection feature. it will still show this warning. But it's strange because i thought this message is only there if i use something i dont have installed in mission.sqm
And why can i still play the mission?


The error with the ";" iin description is fixed.

  Reveal hidden contents


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  On 4/18/2020 at 10:32 AM, Helion4 said:

File mpmissions\dayz.epoch.chernarus\description.ext, line 22: '.loadScreen': Missing ';' at the end of line

did you fix this error and try again?


Yeah they said at the bottom of their initial post that they fixed it.


@Bostigo can you please verify that you have a properly packed "ca.pbo" in your server-side Arma files?

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Oops, thats what happens when i think before coffee :wacko:

I see you mention "Somehow since i added a lot of scripts this appears:" and you do also mention that without spawn script enabled you still get the error.

The best advice to you, is to test with default epoch files and no scripts. If error still exists then its probably a game file issue.
If on default server files the error is removed, then you are introducing the error with one of your scripts, so a method of instal 1 script - test that script, should be taken to find out where the error comes from.

Good Luck.

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  On 4/18/2020 at 12:53 PM, Helion4 said:

Oops, thats what happens when i think before coffee :wacko:

I see you mention "Somehow since i added a lot of scripts this appears:" and you do also mention that without spawn script enabled you still get the error.

The best advice to you, is to test with default epoch files and no scripts. If error still exists then its probably a game file issue.
If on default server files the error is removed, then you are introducing the error with one of your scripts, so a method of instal 1 script - test that script, should be taken to find out where the error comes from.

Good Luck.


No problem


Yes i will  try that aswell
Thank you very much :)

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It would also be helpful if we could see your client RPT after you have this issue. You can get that by holding down the Windows key and pressing R. It will open a window with a text box that says "Run".

In there, paste this:

%localappdata%\ArmA 2 OA\

and then press Enter or click OK. In the folder that pops up, you should see a file named "ArmA2OA.RPT". That file will likely have more in-depth details about the problem at hand.

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