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Issue respawning after death!!


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I am playing on an ARMA3 EPOCH server and if I die, when I choose my gender it comes up saying "Loading Player Inventory... Please Wait" and gets stuck here for a few minutes before kicking me out with "authentication error"

Twice now the admin has fixed it by deleting my character info however not being able to die AT ALL is kind of killing the game.

Anyone seen this before?

I have tried : Removing ARMA, DLC, MODS, APPDATA Cache, MY Docs Profile and starting all from scratch.

Using the same ARMA install with a different steam account and profile works fine (until I die) and using the same steam account but different profiles has the same issue.

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This is an older issue and should be fixed with the latest Server updates!

Maybe the Server owner has not updated all relevant files, or the server is running a not official supported map and the settings are not correct.

You could try to get the Server Admin in contact with us (Developers) on Discord and we can try to figure it out.

But it is 100% no issue on your (Client) side!

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