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Arma 2 OA DayZ Testing Server Errors HELP!



Hello epoch team, I am getting 3 errors when trying to launch my own testing server. I followed a video shown here on how to make your own server,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1527&v=EBW2PE6UCx0

The problem is when I launch my server, I get 3 different errors here are photos of the errors. I have DayZ Epoch enabled in expansions and still getting errors. It wont even let me into my server and just says waiting for host... I get Sauerland requires addon chernarus when starting my server from the .bat file.

arma 2 oa wait for host.PNG

arma 2 OA error Sauerland requires chernarus.PNG

Arma 2 oa error_opt.png

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Thats an oft overlooked one. You need to verify your arma 2/arma2OA installation. Whats happened here is some config files are required to be generated they havnt been generated because you havnt played the game. Basically its Download game - Verify file download - initialise installation (see below)

1)Open Arma2

2)create a profile

3)Open Single Player and choose 4

4)run around a bit then close Arma2

5)Open operation Arrowhead till you see the menu and check your profile

6)You should be good to go

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