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infiSTAR building



Is there anyway to use epoch building instead of infiSTAR's building? I can't even pick up and move the building once I move my character, and my admins can't even place the building down (it's just stuck to their character)


I've searched through the forums, and apparently i'm the only one with this problem

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2 answers to this question

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Try it a second time. The stuck on char bug is only when they use the spawn buildings the first time. After a short relog the positioning system works fine.

And by the way ...... I hate the editor. I´m always use the spawn and position system via infiSTAR. Then save it to the DB. After that I use a land.sqf like this

if (isServer) then{

_bldObj = objNull;
if (true) then
  _bldObj = createVehicle ["Land_A_Castle_Wall1_20", [1231.86, 4000.94, -1.8], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _bldObj = _bldObj;
  _bldObj setDir 321;
  _bldObj setPosATL [1231.86, 4000.94, -1.8];

and take the data from the DB.

In your mission/init.sqf just add at the bottom

[] execVM "land\land.sqf";

That´s it.


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