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Clients stuck on Loading Screen [NEED FULL WALKTHROUGH]

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So my friend runs our server. And all of us keep having an issue that MANY people claim to have fixed. However, nobody seems to fully describe how to fix this issue. Essentially, what happens is that when we have this issue, it loads, and then it says "Setup Complete... Please Wait." However, our character has loaded into the world. Other people can see us moving around and such when we input such actions, but we cannot see or hear anything. Just the loading screen. I've seen posts about the whole "endLoadScreen" or whatever. But all that's pasted is combined lines of code. Neither of us understand where we put this code or anything. So this is what we request: 1) The exact paths 2) The exact files 3) The exact code we need to correct or insert 4) The exact line or lines we can find or insert this code at. (We Use Notepad++ for all our edits)


If we could please get this, that would be much appreciated. I just see so many posts about fixes for this but none actually have full explanations.

The way we've been getting around this is that we've been killing the character through the database, starting a new character, and transferring all the info from the old character to the new one. (Location, inventory, etc.)

But we can't keep doing that.

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Is this for

if so, you need to replace some code in compiles.sqf. 


Replace this line:

            if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith { diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!"; };



            if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith {
                diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!";

If you haven't already, you need to move compiles.sqf to your mission, so create a new file called compiles.sqf in a folder in your mission folder. Copy all of the code from the compiles in DayZ_code\init including the above fix  

Then in init.sqf in your mission change the call compile line from z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf

to your new path. 

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17 hours ago, lwbuk said:

Is this for

if so, you need to replace some code in compiles.sqf. 


Replace this line:

            if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith { diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!"; };



            if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith {
                diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!";

If you haven't already, you need to move compiles.sqf to your mission, so create a new file called compiles.sqf in a folder in your mission folder. Copy all of the code from the compiles in DayZ_code\init including the above fix  

Then in init.sqf in your mission change the call compile line from z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf

to your new path. 

This is server side, yes? Not client side? Where is the "z" folder? We can't find it. Unless that's a moniker for the DayZ_Epoch_Server folder.


Edit: We are actually using the newest version.


P.S. This is how clueless we are. Not that we don't understand code or how these things work, We just don't know where everything is.

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The compiles is client side, which is why you need to move it server side in the mission folder. 

Its in the folder @dayz_epoch\addons. Find the pbo called dayz_code.  You will need to unpack the pbo to get access to the folders inside.  One you've done that, open the init folder inside dayz_code and find compiles.sqf. 

Copy that sqf file to a new folder inside your mission folder where init.sqf and description.ext files are. 

You  can create a new folder called dayz_code in your mission folder if you like to keep things tidy. 

Now in your init.sqf inside your mission folder, change the call for the compiles folder  from the z\dayz_code\addons to your new file path which will be dayz_code\compiles.sqf


the z\ is a prefix, meaning it's pointing to an external source, so it will be either the dayz_epoch_server folder/pbo or another pbo inside the dayz_epoch folder/pbo. 


However all this this being said, if you are running 1.0.6, then this fix is not needed as it is already implemented or the code has changed from 

If you are running 1.0.6, then something else is causing this issue, likely a mod you have added incorrectly.

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