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.pbo problem



I have the following problem:

Everytime i extract and work on a part of the dayz_code.pbo i get a warning (digital signature) when i wanna save my work back in the pbo. I´m using the pbo manager from BI, I extract the file with "extract to", work with notepad++ and then I copy and paste the file back.

This works fine with every pbo ....... epoch_server.pbo and so on. Only with the dayz_code.pbo this error occurs.

Hope someone can help me with that ........... thx a lot.

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I just quickly did a test and unpacked the dayzcode.pbo using pbo manager did a little edit to a sqf in compiles then saved it again and re-packed it pbo manager without a error.. So you are doing something wrong...

Maybe try run pbo manager with admin privileges :) 

Or your dayz installation might be corrupt ....

And when you want to edit something in the dayz code  .pbo its best to take the file you need and place it in a custom folder in your mpmissions folder..

Then you change the path to that custom file in your custom compiles :) If you are not using a custom compiles yet i recommend looking up how to create it :) 


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Run pbo manager as administrator has no effect. Maybe i´m too dump ............. just wondering it works with all other pbo´s.

That the file is corrupted .......... server is running fine with that pbo .......... another miracle.

Anyway, thx for help.

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Hey ya, that means PBO was packed using BI key.

PBOManager does not deal with that. What you need is a different tool, like Mikero's, to repackage them using the key.

Either way, this is a bad practice as PBO won't work unless both server and all clients run same exact signed PBO. Server PBOs usually don't use key since it's designed to be unpacked, client PBOs are not supposed to be touched.

So a better question is - what are you trying to achieve?

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I´m a server owner, rented by GamingDeluxe. And i wanna use the plot maintain system ......... but not with that utopic prices where in (Full Briefcases and so on).

My server is using single coin system with prices close to the reality .......... no tanks, no jets or such warfare stuff ......... play epoch like it should be, a survival simulation, not a warfare simulation.

I need prices arround 100 coins per part on the plot ....... realistic.


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Looks like you are trying to follow the modding tutorial, but trying to repackage scripts back inside PBO files, correct?

Well, that's not how it works. When guide tells you to extract file, you do that, but then simply close the client PBO, you don' need it anymore. After you are done editing your script, you have to bring it to MPMissions folder on your server. After that linking to this new file is mostly by using a single command line inside init.sqf file.

Does that make sense now?

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