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[Release] HearthQuake Mission MOD


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Mission Mod for Arma2 Epoch - Tested on Epoch 1.0.6 RC1 - Dayz 1.8.8

HearthQuake Simulation Mission ALPHA 0.3.2 (is alpha , working in my server but not tested in 1.0.5.x)


Generates earthquakes around map after a time ... in the radius destroys a lot of Buildings, Spawn a loots crate and if selected (recommended) groups of AI Enemy ...

It increases the difficulty of game... may happen to be in a building in the earthquake area... and die. It is not a classic mission because unknown location of crate in a radius of one km in a devasted area where there are various groups of AI is difficult to complete.

  • HeartQuake in Random Zone with a lot of Buildings Destroyed
  • Spawn Crate inside HQ Zone in Random Coords
  • Spawn Some Groups of AI inside HQ Zone
  • Player Effects
  •      HearthQuake Marker in map
  •            Ability to define HQ zone and dimension
  • Ability to define blacklist coords
  • Ability to define blacklist buildings
  • Ability to define AI spawn or not AI
  • Ability to use WAI or DZMS instead of AI included (disabled in ALPHA - can enable WAI - or DZMS working but not remove units when mission end for now)
  • and more...

AI included in mission are WAI inspired (all credits to F3cuk - https://github.com/f3cuk/WICKED-AI)

Installation Server

  • UnPbo dayz_server.pbo with pbo manager and copy inside dayz_server directory , downloaded folder HeartQuake (MOD_HEARTHQUAKE\server\Heartquake) (HearthQuake folder only)

·         Open init\server_functions.sqf and at the bottom add
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\HearthQuake\starter.sqf";

  • ·         Open destroy.sqf and setup center coords and radius of HearthQuake Zone, HQ can Happen Random inside this area, normally setup center of Map and Radius (half map length)
  • Setup too coords of blacklist places and Buildings (if u want) and others settings.
  • Open spawncrates_HQ.sqf if u want setup type and numbers of loot thst spawn in crate.

·         Inside folder AI open ai_spawn.sqf if u want setup groups or numbers or other about AI.

·         repack dayz_server folder with pbo manager dayz_server.pbo

Installation Mission

  • Open/unpbo mission folder and copy or merge if exist downloaded Sounds folder and file HearthQuakeEffects.sqf
  • Open description.ext and add or merge class CfgSounds (inside descripton.ext downloaded)
  • Open init.sqf and add to the bottom [] execVM ' hearthQuakeEffects.sqf';
  • pack/close mission folder

BE FILTERS I dont use BE and the filters are not provided certainly need to add to publicvariable.txt

  • !=" effectHQ"



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Hi W4lly,

it is awesome to something new in the mod section.

I tested your mod on Epoch 1.0.6. RC2 and I like the idea. The crate spawn, the AI unit spawn and the markers working very well. I noticed that the sound for the earthquake is a way too quiet. The shaking effects is  bit weird and almost imperceptible.

I got a lot errors from your AIs


8:53:26 "Start HearthQuake : 194.929"
 8:53:26 "HearthQuake : [1859.65,7239.78]"
 8:53:41 "Start spawnCrates HearthQuake : 210.004"
 8:53:41 "HearthQuake Spawncrate 1 : Location [2656.15,7435.44]"
 8:53:41 Error in expression <electRandom;
_magazine 	= _weapon 	call find_suitable_ammunition;

call {				>
 8:53:41   Error position: <find_suitable_ammunition;

call {				>
 8:53:41   Error Undefined variable in expression: find_suitable_ammunition
 8:53:41 File z\addons\dayz_server\HearthQuake\AI\ai_spawn.sqf, line 163
 8:53:41 Error in expression < from 1 to _mags do {
_unit addMagazine _magazine;
_unit addweapon _weapon;
 8:53:41   Error position: <_magazine;
_unit addweapon _weapon;
 8:53:41   Error Undefined variable in expression: _magazine
 8:53:41 File z\addons\dayz_server\HearthQuake\AI\ai_spawn.sqf, line 211
 8:53:41 Error in expression < from 1 to _mags do {
_unit addMagazine _magazine;



I like your mod and looking forward to use it on my upcoming server. I will test your new version, if you update it.


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tnx  bro ... you have setup something about number of groups?

cuz i have no error ... i have writed in comment that if change number of groups in array need to change group section too :-)

when i have time whatch about it cuz maybe i have upload ai_spawn.sqf file old version...



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Thx for your fast update. It fixed the magazine and weapon errors. I still have these errors in the spoiler. You have not defined ai_cache_units earlier when Im not wrong so thats why we have an error here. You should set the AI to east not to RESISTANCE.  RESISTANCE will not attack you if you dont define that.

You have to set the Resistance as enemy for the west side. Currently the AI does not attack me even if I attack them.

Resistance setFriend [WEST, 0];

WEST setFriend [Resistance, 0];

If did not change anything about number of groups. Your addon still works fine and everything is spawing.



11:55:02 "HearthQuake Spawncrate 1 : Location [8560.09,10739.4]"
11:55:02 "HearthQuake: Spawned a group of 2 AI (bandit) at [9999.69,10819.8]"
11:55:02 Error in expression <_skill] spawn group_waypoints_hq;
if(ai_cache_units) then {
[_unitGroupSel] s>
11:55:02   Error position: <ai_cache_units) then {
[_unitGroupSel] s>
11:55:02   Error Undefined variable in expression: ai_cache_units
11:55:02 File z\addons\dayz_server\HearthQuake\AI\ai_spawn.sqf, line 256
11:55:02 "HearthQuake: Spawned a group of 2 AI (bandit) at [10017.2,11775.5]"
11:55:02 Error in expression <_skill] spawn group_waypoints_hq;



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