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Map Briefing Not Working



I was able to add rules, TS3 server info, etc to the map briefing in a previous version of Epoch, but now the steps aren't working. Does anyone have a current briefing that works that they care to share with us (me) how they did it?

Thank you.


EDIT: Ok, now it is working. I didn't change anything; it just started showing the briefing after a random server restart!

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this is what i use


[] execVM "epoch_config\Configs\addons\briefing\briefing.sqf";

my breifing.sqf


if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};

waitUntil {!isNuLL(uiNameSpace getVariable ["EPOCH_loadingScreen",displayNull])};
waitUntil {isNuLL(uiNameSpace getVariable ["EPOCH_loadingScreen",displayNull])};
uiSleep 30;

player createDiarySubject ["menu1", "Server Rules"];
player createDiarySubject ["menu2", "Building Rules"];
player createDiarySubject ["menu3", "Cloning Cost"];
player createDiarySubject ["menu4", "Random Spawns"];

player createDiaryRecord ["menu1",
["Server Rules","<br/>
Their are NONE<br/>NO rules<br/>SO do as YOU please.<br/>
Can't TAKE it.<br/>THEN dont GIVE it.

player createDiaryRecord ["menu2",
["Building Rules","<br/>
Build where YOU like<br/>
But build where YOU can.<br/>
To Prevent Glitchers/Exploiters.<br/>
Build YOUR base Accordingly to STOP them.<br/>
A strong roof also due to sling bombing.<br/>

player createDiaryRecord ["menu3",
["Clone Replacement Cost","<br/>
$1000 Crypto per Death.<br/>
A new body costs Crypto<br/>
Thats why you may have a negative bank balance.

player createDiaryRecord ["menu4",
["Random Spawns","<br/>
Why! the lulz plus adds a sense of direction to your destination.<br/>
Select the spawn portal you want<br/>
Western - spawn in altis somewhere...<br/>
Centre - spawn in altis somewhere...<br/>
Eastern - spawn in altis somewhere...<br/>

don't remember where on the forum I found this, anyway hope it helps

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