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[Release] Cinematic Camera Death


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Another cinematic camera script :)

Again this is a very simple script to implement and the camera zooms out on death.



If you do not already have a custom player_death.sqf called from your custom compiles.sqf, Do this by unpacking the dayz_code.pbo inside the @Dayz_Epoch folder and search for "Player_death.sqf" excluding quotation marks. Copy this somewhere into your mission e.g Epoch_11.Chenarus etc.. file. After doing this, call your player_death.sqf by adding

player_death = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "PATH\player_death.sqf";

Into your compiles.sqf, make sure you alter it so the path is correct.


//Callous Gaming Death Camera
_body spawn {
	"colorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true;"colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0.0], [1, 1, 1, 0.1],  [1, 1, 1, 0.0]];
	"colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0;
	"dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true;
	"dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [2]; 
	"dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 0;
	showCinemaBorder true;
	camUseNVG false;
	playSound "heartbeat_1";
	CG_CAM = "camera" camCreate [(getPosATL _this select 0), (getPosATL _this select 1),(getPosATL _this select 2)+4];
	CG_CAM cameraEffect ["internal","back"];
	CG_CAM camSetFOV 2;
	CG_CAM camSetTarget (vehicle _this);
	CG_CAM camCommit 0;
	waitUntil {camCommitted CG_CAM};
	sleep 3;
	CG_CAM camSetTarget [(getPosATL _this select 0), (getPosATL _this select 1),(getPosATL _this select 2)+800];
	CG_CAM camSetRelPos [0,5,0];
	CG_CAM camCommit 80;

Copy and paste this into your player_death.sqf

Make sure it is pasted below the following two lines:

PVDZE_plr_Died = [dayz_characterID,0,_body,_playerID,_infected, dayz_playerName];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_plr_Died";

After doing this load up your server and test in-game :)

Feel free to criticize or like if this helped you!

-Hoplox, Thanks for reading!

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On 23.03.2016 at 7:47 PM, Hoplox said:

Another cinematic camera script :)

Again this is a very simple script to implement and the camera zooms out on death.

  Reveal hidden contents


If you do not already have a custom player_death.sqf called from your custom compiles.sqf, Do this by unpacking the dayz_code.pbo inside the @Dayz_Epoch folder and search for "Player_death.sqf" excluding quotation marks. Copy this somewhere into your mission e.g Epoch_11.Chenarus etc.. file. After doing this, call your player_death.sqf by adding

player_death = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "PATH\player_death.sqf";

Into your compiles.sqf, make sure you alter it so the path is correct.


//Callous Gaming Death Camera
_body spawn {
	"colorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true;"colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0.0], [1, 1, 1, 0.1],  [1, 1, 1, 0.0]];
	"colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0;
	"dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true;
	"dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [2]; 
	"dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 0;
	showCinemaBorder true;
	camUseNVG false;
	playSound "heartbeat_1";
	CG_CAM = "camera" camCreate [(getPosATL _this select 0), (getPosATL _this select 1),(getPosATL _this select 2)+4];
	CG_CAM cameraEffect ["internal","back"];
	CG_CAM camSetFOV 2;
	CG_CAM camSetTarget (vehicle _this);
	CG_CAM camCommit 0;
	waitUntil {camCommitted CG_CAM};
	sleep 3;
	CG_CAM camSetTarget [(getPosATL _this select 0), (getPosATL _this select 1),(getPosATL _this select 2)+800];
	CG_CAM camSetRelPos [0,5,0];
	CG_CAM camCommit 80;

Copy and paste this into your player_death.sqf

Make sure it is pasted below the following two lines:

PVDZE_plr_Died = [dayz_characterID,0,_body,_playerID,_infected, dayz_playerName];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_plr_Died";

After doing this load up your server and test in-game :)

Feel free to criticize or like if this helped you!

-Hoplox, Thanks for reading!

Fix for Infistar:

in AH.sqf change the path to the file player_death.sqf

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