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Walking dead is not working?



hey guys so I've reinstalled the walking dead mod about 15 times now, the first couple of times it would work flawlessly then as I would add in other scripts it would make the zombies go back to default Olympic athletes, and I would just reinstall it again and it would work with the new scripts, but recently out of the blue it isn't working anymore, so I uninstalled the last script before it stopped working and it still doesn't work, then I uninstalled like three more scripts and it still doesn't work. I backed up all my files every time I install a script and I reinstalled one that had the walking dead mod working and even that one wont work now... soo does anyone know why all of the sudden my walking dead wont work? my RTP report is clean too, their isn't one warning or anything on it

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hmm interesting, I have been using the stock GTX safezone script... maybe ill take a look at that and see if it changes? I mean GTX has a tutorial on how to install the walking dead so I would assume it doesn't mess with their own safezones? ill look at that though its a start!

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Check inside your safezone script sqf for a call to the wrong file for walking zombies, chances are that is it...
I had the same issue

Search for wild_spawnzombies inside your safezone sqf

I had this line in my safezone script causing it not to work as well but it was calling the wrong file
I edited it to look like this for my end

wild_spawnZombies = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'zupa\walkers\wild_spawnZombies.sqf';
zombie_generate = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'zupa\walkers\zombie_generate.sqf';

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