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Requiredbuild Version


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short question: 1.46 Arma actually has build 131175. In my config still is 130654


should this be updatet or does 130654 mean "this and newer"? Since 2 hours i get kicks for every player because of

Player has been kicked by BattlEye: Unknown Game Version

Maybe this is battleye version related because BE servers have trouble since two days connecting to master server?


The config.cfg

hostname         = "pXk Pixelkiller Epoch NO-DRONE|+LOOT|+VEHICLES|+ADMINS (|1.46)";
password          = "";
passwordAdmin       = "";
serverCommandPassword = "";
logFile             = "A3Master.log";
verifySignatures    = 2;
BattlEye            = 1;
requiredBuild = 130654;
//requiredBuild = 131175;


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Same problem I change :


requiredBuild = 130654;




requiredBuild = 131175;


and Work now

as Halv said this is outdated. I changed before to 131175 and it did not work so i changed back as wrong game version appeared. This has nothing to do with that. Seemed to be a battleye temp problem. ATM connect is okay

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