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Help with Scripts

Talos Grym


Hey guys.


So I have started my own server with some success,  I have managed to do some very basic things with my server like add a status bar and get the Simple Epoch mission mod running.


Now any time I try to follow the step by step instructions for adding other mods to get more missions and such are a huge fail..:(

I add everything just how its laid out, and i always seam to have a problem starting the server or when someone joins is get a script restriction #43.


With very little knowledge of scripting I have tried to figure it out on my own with very little success.  I have tried tutorials, re adding the scripts, adding other peoples Battle Eye filters,  sadly I still only have the basic stuff with no one wanting to join a server that only has one mission and a loot script......


I'm wondering if anyone is willing to take a look at what I have and maybe shooting me some tips or just helping me to get the scripts working.


If you are able to help can you shoot me a message on here or send me and email at [email protected].  obviously I know people dont really enjoy looking at lines of script in what ever free time they have so you will be paid for whatever help you can provide.


Thanks guys 

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5 answers to this question

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Read the .RPT Logfiles, all errors are written into it and make a backup + test run after every change You made.

Also as a beginner it will be much easyer to start editing an existing mission, instead of a complex Mod like Epoch.

For BE filters, read this (sticky) Thread:

And come back with specific questions.

Just asking other people to do things for you, will not bring you anywhere.

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So far I have found the .RPT file to be less than useful, but still is something that should be checked when troubleshooting.


For battleeye troubleshooting.... the .log files stored with your battleye .txt filters have been most useful.   Usually the log will show you the line # of the config that is violated followed by the 3 lines of code that triggered the kick/ban/log.   The middle line is the offender, the line before and after are just for reference.


I found that troubleshooting time can be speed up a lot by using Battle eye's  RCON command line to send the command "loadScripts" instead of rebooting the whole server when youi make a change to a battleye filter.


I too have been building a epoch server and have found that very few things, especially battle eye filters, match the docs and much tinkering is required to make things work.  I'm not sure if the instructions are different between EpochAH vs Infinistar AH... but it feels like I am having a harder time since I am using the default EpochAH.



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