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Cannot start server on port 2302.



Hi, i am trying to create an epoch server for me and my friends to play on, however in the console i get this error: Cannot start server on port 2302. 

I tried changing my port, which didnt work and i cant find anything online about this error (i did find one, but it didn't help).


Picture of my server startup: http://gyazo.com/57c3de0d2b1433763883bc4a80c48cf6


Server startup parameters:

@echo off

arma3server.exe -mod=@Epoch;@EpochHive; -config=Desktop\Arma 3 Epoch\SC\config.cfg -ip= -port=2302 -profiles=SC -cfg=Desktop\Arma 3 Epoch\SC\config.cfg -name=SC
If there is any other files that i need to post please let me know, thanks for any help!
EDIT: My EpochServer.ini:
BattlEyePath = SC\battleye
InstanceID = NA123
LogAbuse = 1
IP =
Port = 2302
Password = **********
IP =
Port = 6379
DB = 0
Password = **********
Logging = 0
Key = 
VACBanned = 0
VACMinimumNumberOfBans = 0
VACMaximumDaysSinceLastBan = 0
PlayerAllowOlderThan = 0
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You don't need the IP in the launch parameters, you also don't need the IP or Port in the epochserver.ini

The path looks like you're running it from a home PC, that might be your issue :unsure: I know there is a post somewhere on how to run a server from a home PC, I have no idea where though, try looking or maybe some body else will link it.

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Dude you are my hero! This solved it, thanks so much! However in my console i am getting BattlEye Server: Unknown command, im not sure if this is a problem or not. When i try and join it kicks me for BattlEye PublicVariable Restriction #0. Also it displays the server name as my pc name, is this normal? 

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Also my config.cfg is ike this: 


hostname         = "EpochMod.com (|1.44) ID02 YourHost";
password         = "";
passwordAdmin       = "";
serverCommandPassword = "";
logFile             = "A3Master.log";
verifySignatures   = 2;
BattlEye            = 1;
requiredBuild = 130654;
But the server name displays as Charlie - PC.
EDIT: I just noticed that the server status in the arma 3 server browser is on "Creating" and never seems to leave it.
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Change C:\Users\Charlie\Desktop\Arma 3 Epoch\SC\battleye

To C:\Users\Charlie\Desktop\Arma 3 Epoch\SC\battlEye


It might actully be best to remove the spaces  Arma3Epoch or Arma3_Epoch


Your server name should be EpochMod.com (|1.44) ID02 YourHost

Although the 1.44 should now be 1.46, also in requiredBuild you want 131175


In your launch parameters add at the end, it will automatically start the mission without it needing a player

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Thanks, this fixed BattlEye Server: Unknown command, however now the server doesn't appear in the LAN filed of the arma 3 browser, thanks for all your help.


EDIT: In my console, i am now getting, "Autoinit is supported only for persistent missions!" i'm not sure if this is an error.

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Which part of the post are you referring to?


There are two suggestions in that post:


"The server is not visible on the Arma 3 Public Browser when it is restarted, it remains invisible to the browser until it is joined another way"


And the port forward section.


If you are referring to the port section i already have the ports forwarded:




Thanks for the help.

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