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New Vilayer Server - Attempting to get Origins, Overwatch, and Epoch 1051 on Taviana



Hello all,


I am currently trying to get a server setup for DayZ with the above mods. I have attempted to contact support with Vilayer, and they have indeed been helpful so far. I am fairly new to setting up game servers, especially DayZ game servers. I have about 25 tabs open and I have been doing alot of research into how this can be done smoothly and I just cant seem to get it right. 


I've gone into my mod menu on the ACP on Vilayer and uninstalled the first map they give you (Cheranarus i believe).

I then continued to install the Taviana Map on the mod menu. 

I tried to join the server and it gave me a few errors, so I downloaded the Taviana 2.0

Errors have dissipated except for one, kh_dayztaviana.


I can more than likely figure out what I will need to rectify that issue, so i'll get to the point.


I am trying to get Origins on my server, and the suggestions from Vilayer are as followed:


Although we do not support DayZOrigins in our system for the map or mod content, you will need to do the following and it should get your server working with origins;
Install Chernarus OverPoch
Upload the @DayZOrigins
Once uploaded you need to go in to the vilayercodecustom/missions folder and create a folder called overpoch.tavi (This is where you will put your mission code)
You will then need to go to your server.cfg and edit the mission template at the bottom of the file to run - dayz_overpoch_13.Tavi

You will lastly need to add the following to the server commandline - @DayzOrigins


My issue is, how am I to install Chernarus Overpoch? This is not listed in my mod menu on the ACP. Is this something I will have to download manually?


Also, are these files I'm adding different from the client versions? I have successfully downloaded origins from a torrent, and I want to make sure thats the files I need to add to my server.


Thanks in advanced for reading!

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