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  • 0 - Random Kicking between 5 and 30 minutes into game play.



Hello all,


Subject line says it all.  I've verified my game files from steam to no avail.  There are some threads speaking about deleting VIL_ vehicles from the database.  I was curious if this is the legit problem or if there could be something else.


Any help would be appreciated.





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12 answers to this question

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We are currently seeing this issue with as well. We are currently running a vanilla epoch with a fresh database. At first everything seemed stable but the kicks started back up and have yet to cease. Given the amount of threads on this issue the information should be consolidated so we can get to the bottom of this issue. One thing to note. When a kick occurs I get the following message in the RPT logs.


14:29:47 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #33698174, users.card=5
14:29:47 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 33698174
14:29:47 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 33698174 


It shows up every time someone is kicked.

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I've been kicked several times now with no reason given, nothing in my report files either which is bugging me.  My players are all opting to stick with land vehicles because of the constant kicks while flying resulting in destroyed helis/planes. I'm getting shit loads of error spam in my report in general though , way more than with, here's just some examples of the constant spam errors (note that this is before adding custom scripts):

16:15:34 Client: Object 6:8 (type Type_70) not found.
16:15:34 Client: Object 6:52 (type Type_94) not found.
16:15:34 Client: Object 6:8 (type Type_94) not found.
16:15:35 Client: Object 6:52 (type Type_70) not found.
16:15:36 Client: Object 6:20 (type Type_70) not found.
16:15:36 Client: Object 6:8 (type Type_70) not found.
16:15:37 Client: Object 6:20 (type Type_94) not found.
16:15:37 Client: Object 6:52 (type Type_70) not found.
16:15:38 Client: Object 6:20 (type Type_70) not found.
16:15:38 Client: Object 6:8 (type Type_70) not found.
16:15:39 Client: Object 6:52 (type Type_70) not found.
16:15:39 Client: Object 6:8 (type Type_94) not found.
16:15:39 Client: Object 6:52 (type Type_94) not found.
16:15:40 Client: Object 6:20 (type Type_70) not found.
16:15:40 Client: Object 6:8 (type Type_70) not found.
16:15:41 Client: Object 6:52 (type Type_70) not found.

I get thousands of those lines along with loads of these: NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #487814177, users.card=1


This next one is the strangest of them all, I get this even when running it on my test server which is bare bones vanilla stock install:

21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'value='+value'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'page=terms" class="footer">Terms and Conditions</a></li>
        <li class="footer"><a href="/index.php3?exe=terms&page=privacy" class="footer">Privacy Policy</a></li>
    <td class="footer-divider">&nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'nbsp'
21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'copy'

I recognise it as html (of course), but why is it there.

 I'm pretty sure this type of sloppy code has something to do with the kicks and other error messages... 

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Kicks are still happening but they are very random. I had a few players able to play for 4 hours straight without being kicked. At the same time I have users who get kicked randomly every 15 to 30 minutes. There have been numerous reports of this issue and the one commonality between these reports is that this started with 

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I'm starting to think the devs don't give a shit to be honest. I've posted several really important issues on this website over the past few months and not one of them has been addressed by a dev or even a polite reply attempted.  Seems to me that so much effort goes into really unnecessary crap, and non into the real issues that its not going to be too long before this mod reaches a tipping point and everyone jumps ship again..   Sorry but my patience with this mod has almost come to an end, I know the other mods have their issues too but at least you get answers from the devs, instead of just being ignored.  Not meant in a bad way, just a personal observation (experience) :(


I mean like seriously , wtf is this? 

21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'page=terms" class="footer">Terms and Conditions</a></li>
        <li class="footer"><a href="/index.php3?exe=terms&page=privacy" class="footer">Privacy Policy</a></li>
    <td class="footer-divider">&nbsp'

Am I the only one who gets this in my logs? It was there when I tested with no scripts too.. 
Is it something I should be concerned about , has this got something to do with the kicks ? 
Answers please on a postcard.... lol

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I'm actually going through my server logs as well.  I just wish I was more savvy with the database (its and HFB Server) but I don't want to start deleting vehicles if there is a fix coming.  I'm just not sure there is such a fix in the works.


Regarding the custom vehicles mentioned above - I run vanilla epoch, no upgrades of any kind and its only started after the patch.  Here's hoping someone can suggest something!

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I don't have any custom vehicles either. This happens even before I add my scripts.  Another really annoying thing that happens too, and I'm not sure if this happens on your server, but players are randomly ejected from their helicopters. It's really starting to put me in a foul mood with Epoch, because this is costing me a lot time that I'd like to spend playing the dam game myself.  

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Pretty much the same thing here. When this started I did a clean install of and a fresh database. No custom vehicles or mods. I let the players on and the kicks started right away. I even manually added the game files from here to ensure my host didn't have a bad batch. I would just like to see some movement on this issue.

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I'm starting to think the devs don't give a shit to be honest. I've posted several really important issues on this website over the past few months and not one of them has been addressed by a dev or even a polite reply attempted.  Seems to me that so much effort goes into really unnecessary crap, and non into the real issues that its not going to be too long before this mod reaches a tipping point and everyone jumps ship again..   Sorry but my patience with this mod has almost come to an end, I know the other mods have their issues too but at least you get answers from the devs, instead of just being ignored.  Not meant in a bad way, just a personal observation (experience) :(


I mean like seriously , wtf is this? 

21:07:24 Unknown entity: 'page=terms" class="footer">Terms and Conditions</a></li>
        <li class="footer"><a href="/index.php3?exe=terms&page=privacy" class="footer">Privacy Policy</a></li>
    <td class="footer-divider">&nbsp'

Am I the only one who gets this in my logs? It was there when I tested with no scripts too.. 

Is it something I should be concerned about , has this got something to do with the kicks ? 

Answers please on a postcard.... lol



Do you seriously think that the developers are responsible for random html / php being inserted into your mysql ?


I would check whatever web based admin system you are using to insert vehicles / objects into your object_data table for starters..

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Do you seriously think that the developers are responsible for random html / php being inserted into your mysql ?


I would check whatever web based admin system you are using to insert vehicles / objects into your object_data table for starters..


No I don't Axeman.  But getting an answer to my original question from the start would be helpful.  This was a fresh install done through my hosting provider, how the hell was I to know this might be something they've injected into the database? I spoke to them earlier and they say the scripts simply download the distribution file and install it vanilla, they don't touch the files (apparently).  But when I check I see the battleye scripts are about a month behind the ones on the github, I'd have thought the distribution files would be released with the latest battleye scripts? I'm just saying, a little support would be nice (even your answer was helpful, thank you btw) ..  

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Ok update: I've been through the database with my provider and they are insisting that code is not in the database :(


I've installed this on my local test server with the same error and on my hosting provider , same error.. So it is Epochs issue.. Either that, or somehow this exact error message is trolling me, and me alone.  Seriously, I've tried this on two seperate servers, just using your sql and vanilla epoch, same error every time :(

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