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DZAI Blacklists


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Hi, could someone show me the correct format for the blacklist in DZAI for random spawns, have tried many different ways and none seem to work and give loads of error in the rpt log, running on epoch


in the dzai_config.sqf it say -


//Array of area blacklist markers. Players within marker areas will not be targeted for random AI spawns (Example: ["BlacklistArea1","BlacklistArea2","BlacklistArea3"])
//Epoch: DZAI will automatically set up 200m-radius blacklist areas around each trader area.
//Tip: To use dynamic-spawn blacklist areas for random-spawn blacklist areas, simply set DZAI_randAreaBlacklist = DZAI_dynAreaBlacklist;
DZAI_randAreaBlacklist = [];

ive tried this way

DZAI_randAreaBlacklist = ["DZAI_Tulga","DZAI_Rog","DZAI_Pusta","DZAI_ThreeValleys","DZAI_Orlovets"];

doesnt works and give massive list of errors in rpt


DZAI_randAreaBlacklist = ["2830.23,123.00","2450.22,9804.55"];

doesnt work gives errors in rpt

made my own blacklist areas in cust_markers_chernarus.sqf

// ------------- Blacklist Areas --------------

_this = createMarker ["Black_Kamenka", [1867.8379, 2290.2583]];
_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_this setMarkerType "Empty";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [175, 175];
_this setMarkerAlpha 0;
_Black_Kamenka = _this;

then tried
DZAI_randAreaBlacklist = ["Black_Kamenka"];

no errors in rpt but ai still spawn in the area

What is the correct way to add blacklist area to the config file ?

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