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Why would guests get a BE Script Restrictions when entering my server but I do not?


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Hello All;


I have been playing around with running an epoch server...


I started off by renting a box with SurvivalServers.com which I currently still have;


I also created a virtual machine and installed a local server.


Both seem to have the same issue here


When my friends join into my server they are greeted by a variety of Script Restrictions which I eventually fix... One by one by one...


However when I join the server (doesn't matter which one) I can enter right away.


I have done many things to troubleshoot this issue but I am still perplex


I have removed my credentials from epochAH.hpp


I have changed the Rcon Password


I have logged in then logged out


I have created new desktop profiles, I have created new virtual machines, I have contacted my support at survival servers,


I honnestly have no clue whats going on, which is frustrating because id like to be able to test my own server without having to have a 3rd party standing by to generate errors for me.


Any input would be appreciated

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