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Is this a new "feature" of


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So I noticed that everytime when you sprint looking down without a gun, when you stop your character's view position reverts to horizontal and doesn't stay down as supposed to.

Why is that? A new feature or bug? I honestly have no idea. I tried to revert my controls to default, same problem so it looks like either Epoch thing or Arma 3?


Does anyone else have this issue? It is now pain in the ass to loot as my eyes doesnt stay on the ground when I want them to stay there. Running with a gun out doesn't have this issue though but I don't like running with my guns out (even though sun's out).


P.S. ok just tried same thing in virtual reality, looks like it is new Arma 3 "feature", I am screwed. Any possible way to bring the old view model back?

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