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Yet another BattlEye post...



So.. yea, sorry. This time i tried updating to the be filters and am getting kicked for the following message 

09.04.2015 18:18:29: TRV ( 7910aa67a6a3844d4fa69a2cd1c28e61 - #19 "uredText parseText ( format["<t size='1.5'>%1</t>",count playableUnits ,_align,_valign]);
(_display  displayCtrl _image) ctrlSet"

I don't even know where to begin for this one... Here is my current scripts.txt




Any help would be much appreciated!! 

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So.. yea, sorry. This time i tried updating to the be filters and am getting kicked for the following message 

09.04.2015 18:18:29: TRV ( 7910aa67a6a3844d4fa69a2cd1c28e61 - #19 "uredText parseText ( format["<t size='1.5'>%1</t>",count playableUnits ,_align,_valign]);
(_display  displayCtrl _image) ctrlSet"

I don't even know where to begin for this one... Here is my current scripts.txt




Any help would be much appreciated!! 




please report it to here:



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this not looks a epoch default script..

did you installed a playerstatsbar?

try and add following to line 20 of your script.txt:

!="uredText parseText ( format["<t size='1.5'>%1</t>",count playableUnits ,_align,_valign]);(_display  displayCtrl _image) ctrlSet" 
or this

!="format["<t size='1.5'>%1</t>",count playableUnits ,_align,_valign]"
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So.. yea, sorry. This time i tried updating to the be filters and am getting kicked for the following message 

09.04.2015 18:18:29: TRV ( 7910aa67a6a3844d4fa69a2cd1c28e61 - #19 "uredText parseText ( format["<t size='1.5'>%1</t>",count playableUnits ,_align,_valign]);
(_display  displayCtrl _image) ctrlSet"

I don't even know where to begin for this one... Here is my current scripts.txt




Any help would be much appreciated!! 

Here is what I'd recommend:

A. First find the guilty script.

B. Ask in the script's release thread, more often than not somebody else has working BE filters already. They can just copy & paste the line/file and you will be set in a second. Otherwise you can eventually fix it but might take long.


Detailed Step:

  1. To identify, go grab grepWin utility.
  2. Once installed, go to your scripts main directory [or the very top arma3server folder] right click on the folder, hit grepWin, in grepWin's search box type in the guilty keywords => ,count playableUnits ,_align,_valign
  3. At the bottom right corner of grepWin window choose content.
  4. Hit search and hopefully find the script.
  5. Proceed to step B.

Good luck. BattlEye is 50% of the fun :P

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