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How to set cpos for AI spawn




i got a problem. i try to spawn in ai with AI Spawn Script Pack 0,90

This is the infotext above the settings

target = center point (name of marker or object or unit which is the center point of militarized area,
or position array)
side = (0 = civilian, 1 = blue, 2 = red, 3 = green) DEFAULT: 2
radius = (from center position) DEFAULT: 150
spawn men = [spawn land units, spawn water units] DEFAULT: [true,false]
(both values are true or false)
spawn vehicles =[spawn land vehicles, spawn water vehicles, spawn air vehicles] DEFAULT: [true,false,false]
(all values are true or false)
still = true or false (if false, then units will patrol in radius, checkin also buildings) DEFAULT: false
men ratio = (amount of spawning men is radius * men ratio, ie: 250 * 0.2 = 50 units) DEFAULT: 0.3
NOTE: Array - you can also use following syntax: [amount,random amount] for example:
[10,5] will spawn at least 10 units + random 1-5 units 
vehicle ratio= (amount of spawning vehicles is radius * vehicle ratio, ie: 250 * 0.1 = 25 vehicles) DEFAULT: 0.1
NOTE: Same array syntax as in "men ratio" works here too!
skills = "default" (default AI skills) DEFAULT: "default"
or number = 0-1.0 = this value will be set to all AI skills, ex: 0.8
or array = all AI skills invidiually in array, values 0-1.0, order:
[aimingAccuracy, aimingShake, aimingSpeed, spotDistance, spotTime, courage, commanding, general, endurance, reloadSpeed] 
ex: [0.75,0.5,0.6,0.85,0.9,1,1,0.75,1,1] 
group = group name or nil (if you want units in existing group, set it here. if nil, new group is made) DEFAULT: nil
EXAMPLE: (group player)
custom init = "init commands" (if you want something in init field of units, put it here) DEFAULT: nil
NOTE: Keep it inside quotes, and if you need quotes in init commands, you MUST use ' or "" instead of ".
EXAMPLE: "hint 'this is hint';"
ID = number (if you want to delete units this script creates, you'll need ID number for them) DEFAULT: nil

This is the actuall settings

_cPos = if(count _this > 0)then{_this select 0;};
_side = if (count _this > 1) then { _this select 1; }else{2;};
_radius = if (count _this > 2) then { _this select 2; }else{150;};
_men = if (count _this > 3) then { _this select 3; }else{[true,false];};
_vehicles = if (count _this > 4) then { _this select 4; }else{[true,false,false];};
_still = if (count _this > 5) then { _this select 5; }else{false;};
_menRatio = if (count _this > 6) then { _this select 6; }else{0.3;};
_vehRatio = if (count _this > 7) then { _this select 7; }else{0.02;};
_skills = if (count _this > 8) then { _this select 8; }else{"default";};
_milGroup = if (count _this > 9) then { _this select 9; }else{nil;}; if(!isNil("_milGroup"))then{if(_milGroup == "nil0")then{_milGroup = nil;};};
_customInit = if (count _this > 10) then { _this select 10; }else{nil;}; if(!isNil("_customInit"))then{if(_customInit == "nil0")then{_customInit = nil;};};
_grpId = if (count _this > 11) then { _this select 11; }else{nil;}; 
if(_cPos in allMapMarkers)then{
_centerPos = getMarkerPos _cPos;
if (typeName _cPos == "ARRAY") then{
_centerPos = _cPos;
_centerPos = getPos _cPos;

i have made a ai fortress. what is the best way to spawn them in ? i tried to use coords. but nothing happened. i think i did it wrong. this is my line : _cPos = if(count _this > 0)then{_this select 0;};"7360.47,7097.43,0";

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