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Can anyone shed some light on this issue?



Just wondering if :


A. Anyone else sees this with their server/s.

2. If anyone knows the cause and a possible fix?

7:29:54 PM | Player #2 -Dragonfly- ( connected
7:29:55 PM | Player #2 -Dragonfly- - GUID: ae8d20ac062cb36a9ae13f99cb48525e (unverified)
7:29:55 PM | Verified GUID (ae8d20ac062cb36a9ae13f99cb48525e) of player #2 -Dragonfly-
7:29:56 PM | Player #2 -Dragonfly- - Legacy GUID: 982e6bf21527b872846bf87fe6cf50e8
7:29:56 PM | Player #2 -Dragonfly- disconnected

8:01:19 PM | Player #3 -Dragonfly- ( connected
8:01:20 PM | Player #3 -Dragonfly- - GUID: ae8d20ac062cb36a9ae13f99cb48525e (unverified)
8:01:21 PM | Verified GUID (ae8d20ac062cb36a9ae13f99cb48525e) of player #3 -Dragonfly-
8:01:21 PM | Player #3 -Dragonfly- - Legacy GUID: 982e6bf21527b872846bf87fe6cf50e8
8:01:21 PM | Player #3 -Dragonfly- disconnected

8:09:20 PM | Player #3 -Dragonfly- ( connected
8:09:21 PM | Player #3 -Dragonfly- - GUID: ae8d20ac062cb36a9ae13f99cb48525e (unverified)
8:09:22 PM | Verified GUID (ae8d20ac062cb36a9ae13f99cb48525e) of player #3 -Dragonfly-
8:09:23 PM | Player #3 -Dragonfly- - Legacy GUID: 982e6bf21527b872846bf87fe6cf50e8
8:09:23 PM | Player #3 -Dragonfly- disconnected
8:09:35 PM | Player #3 -Dragonfly- ( connected
8:09:36 PM | Player #3 -Dragonfly- - GUID: ae8d20ac062cb36a9ae13f99cb48525e (unverified)
8:09:37 PM | Verified GUID (ae8d20ac062cb36a9ae13f99cb48525e) of player #3 -Dragonfly-
8:09:37 PM | Player #3 -Dragonfly- disconnected 

Players always connecting then disconnecting almost instantly. I tried to write it off as non-interest or maybe just changing their mind on servers, but it's hard to ignore when they are constantly trying to get in, but just can't ....


I have no RPT errors in either server or client files, so I am at a loss. 


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I've seen this on my old servers before.

The player is trying to join your server with an outdated mod or he dosen't have the correct mods that your server requiers.

That's atleast what I think, it used to happen to me. And I'm pretty sure thats the issue because me and my friends could join without any issues but once a random joined they insta disconnected...

What mods are you running on your server?

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One of them is Overwatch/Epoch and the other is Origins/Overwatch/Epoch. 

Everything should be fine honestly, like BetterDeadThanZed said the people that are trying to connect probably dosen't know DayZLauncher exists.

But if you want I can try joining your server and see if it works for me, just give me the server IP and I will check it out.

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