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./writer.pl: No Such File Or Directory


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Hi Guys, I just followed https://github.com/denisio/Dayz-Epoch-Linux-Serverto install an Epoch server on my linux 12.04 ubuntu VPS. When trying to run " ./epoch.sh" I get this error

( $ ) root@ns321745:~# /home/home/epoch/epoch.sh

/home/home/epoch/epoch.sh: line 1: ./writer.pl: No such file or directory
Is anyone able to help me out with this?
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In SSH Terminal go the the server folder and type

chmod 777 ./writer.pl

or right click writer.pl > permissions > tick all 9 boxes   thats for filezilla, might be called differently in another ftp client.


infact, I recommend doing


chmod 777 ./ 


in that folder to give everything the correct permission as it may cause problems

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You did not execute epoch.sh from the server directory. If you enter your servers directory and execute it via ./epoch.sh it should not throw this error.

You could enter a cd /<your_server_dir> at the beginning of epoch.sh, so your working directory is always your server directory (if you for whatever reason want to execute the script from whatever other dir).

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