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Help me when turn scripts in init.sqf always writes "script not found"



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Post your init.sqf with the script calls in it and we can check it out.



[] execVM sc\welcome.sqf;

script sc\welcome.sqf  the right way


if(isDedicated) exitWith {};

_sizeTitle = 0.55; // Font Size of the Title Messages
_sizeSubText = 0.45; // Font Size of the SubTitle Messages
_colorTitle = "#FFFFFF"; // HTML Color Code of the Title Messages (must start with '#' )
_colorSubText = "#EFEFEF"; // HTML Color Code of the SubTitle Messages (must start with '#' )
_alignTitle = "left"; // Alignment of the Title Message (right or left)
_alignSubText = "right"; // Alignment of the SubTitle Message (right or left)
_fontTitle = "PuristaSemibold"; // Font Type Of Title Messages
_fontSubText = "PuristaLight"; // Font Type Of SubTitle Messages

_Delay = 10; // Wait in seconds before the credits start after player IS ingame
_FadeIn = 2; //how long one role should stay on screen. Use value from 0 to 10 where 0 is almost instant transition to next role

_IntroMusic = true; // Welcome Intro Song During the credits (true or false)

_posDefault = [0.3,0.55,0.5]; // Defualt Positions of all Credits

_title = "Добро пожаловать на сервер";
_shorttext = "ADV-Gamers Group";
_posText = [0.25,0.5,0.4];

_title2 = "Сайт";
_shorttext2 = "adv-gamers.ru";
_posText2 = [0.38,0.5,0.25];

_title3 = "Teamspeak 3";
_shorttext3 = "";
_posText3 = [0.18,0.5,0.7];

_title4 = "VK";
_shorttext4 = "vk.com/epoch_group";
_posText4 = [0.37,0.5,0.28];

_title5 = "Custom";
_shorttext5 = "Не нарушай правила!Удачи в игре!";
_posText5 = [0.35,0.5,0.335];

_title6 = "Play Fair & Enjoy";
_shorttext6 = "Admins are Always Empty";
_posText6 = [0.32,0.5,0.4];
_ms = [];
for "_i" from 1 to 50 do
_t = if (_i!=1) then { format["_title%1",_i] } else { "_title" };
_s = if (_i!=1) then { format["_shorttext%1",_i] } else { "_shorttext" };
_p = if (_i!=1) then { format["_postext%1",_i] } else { "_postext" };
if (!isNil _t or !isNil _s) then
_at = if (!isNil _t) then { call compile _t } else { "" };
_as = if (!isNil _s) then { call compile _s } else { "" };
_ap = if (!isNil _p) then { call compile _p } else { _posDefault };
_ms = _ms + [[_at,_as,_ap]];
waitUntil {!isNuLL(uiNameSpace getVariable ["EPOCH_loadingScreen",displayNull])};
waitUntil {isNuLL(uiNameSpace getVariable ["EPOCH_loadingScreen",displayNull])};
sleep _Delay;
if (_IntroMusic) then { playMusic "Intro";};
player enableSimulation true;
_t = _x select 0;
_s = _x select 1;
_pX = _x select 2 select 0;
_pY = _x select 2 select 1;
_pW = _x select 2 select 2;
_m = format ["%5
", _sizeTitle, _colorTitle, _alignTitle, _fontTitle, _t];
_m = _m + format ["%5
", _sizeSubText, _colorSubText, _alignSubText, _fontSubText, _s];
_tm = round (count toArray (_t+_s) / 6 / 2) + 3;
[ _m, [_pX * safeZoneW + safeZoneX, _pW], [_pY * safezoneH + safezoneY, 1 * safezoneH + safezoneY], _tm, _FadeIn ] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
sleep (_tm+_FadeIn+4);
} forEach _ms;



== D:\Arma3\steamapps\common\Arma 3 epoch\arma3server.exe
== arma3server.exe  -noPause -noFilePatching -maxMem=2047 -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=7 -enableHT -nosplash -nologs -port=2302 -config=SC\config.cfg -cfg=SC\basic.cfg -profiles=SC -name=SC -mod=@Epoch;@EpochHive;

Original output filename: Arma3Retail_Server
Exe timestamp: 2014/12/04 11:03:24
Current time:  2015/01/10 19:42:33

Type: Public
Branch: Stable
Version: 1.36.128579

Allocator: D:\Arma3\steamapps\common\Arma 3 epoch\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll

19:42:33 ManagerConfig()
19:42:33 Error when creating WIC imaging factory:
	Error: 0x80040154
19:42:33 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
19:42:33 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
19:42:33 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window


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Anybody know how to remove script error messages that are appearing on my screen whilst playing dayz mod,please help,its driving me crazy,cant play a decent game anymore.....




Help Plzzzzz


More details will be helpful - and I am going to assume you meant to say "A3:Epoch", since you posted in this forum and not in the Arma 2:Epoch section. ;) :D

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