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I've activated Faction on my serveur like 

Blufor, OPfor, INS, CIV


but i wanted to rename it like


BLUFOR = Militaire

OPFRO = Bandit

INS = Survivant

CIV = Judge


Can anybody help me ?

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Somewhat familiar with factions from Arma and I did a little research. It looks like factions are defined under "CfgFactionClasses" in Arma 2 by default but I couldn't find anything relating to factions or BluFor in the DayZ Epoch files. How did you activate factions in the first place? That may help a bit in my search. Also check this out if you want, it talks about how factions are defined, which may allow you to just create custom ones and call on them in proper areas http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?78236-About-Faction-config

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YEAH !!! Thx for the solution


For activation in Dayz


you need to open Mission.SQM


You have 100 Entry for side="WEST";


I creat 16 Entry For West, EAST, GUER, And CIV





class Vehicles

class Item0
player="PLAY CDG";
init="this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';";
class Item1


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  • 2 weeks later...

First : It's the loose :( i can't found how renam Opfor in "Bandit" :( even with link


Second, I jsut activated the 4 faction you have in lobby


Actually you have only 1 Faction BluFor.


If you mod mission.SQM like i explain upper you can have more faction.

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