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Add items to the traders?


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#include "missionconfigfile\CfgPricing.hpp" in description.ext



private ["_uiItem","_item","_worth","_cryptoCount","_control","_selected","_index","_sizeOut","_array"];
_control = _this select 0;
_selected = _this select 1;

_uiItem = (_selected select 0) lbData (_selected select 1);

if (isClass(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _uiItem)) then {

_index = lbAdd [_control, ((_selected select 0) lbText (_selected select 1))];
lbSetData [_control, _index, _uiItem];

lbSetPicture [_control, _index, ((_selected select 0) lbPicture (_selected select 1))];
(_selected select 0) lbDelete (_selected select 1);

_cryptoCount = 0;
_sizeOut = lbSize 41501;
//_array = [];
if (_sizeOut > 0) then {
for "_i" from 0 to (_sizeOut - 1) do {
_item = lbData [41501, _i];
//_array pushBack _item;
_worth = getNumber(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _item >> "price");
_cryptoCount = _cryptoCount + _worth;
ctrlSetText [41004, (format ["%1 Krypto", _cryptoCount])];

_cryptoCount = 0;
_sizeOut = lbSize 41502;
//_array = [];
if (_sizeOut > 0) then {
for "_i" from 0 to (_sizeOut - 1) do {
_item = lbData [41502, _i];
//_array pushBack _item;
_itemWorth = getNumber(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _item >> "price");
_itemTax = getNumber(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _item >> "tax");
_tax = _itemWorth * (EPOCH_taxRate + _itemTax);
_itemWorth = ceil(_itemWorth + _tax);
//diag_log format["_finalWorth %1", _finalWorth];
_cryptoCount = _cryptoCount + _itemWorth;
ctrlSetText [41005, (format ["%1 Krypto", _cryptoCount])];



private["_item", "_currQty", "_tradeType", "_itemWorth", "_aiItems", "_itemClasses", "_itemQtys", "_qtyIndex", "_tradeTotal", "_tradeQtyTotal", "_errorMsg", "_target", "_sizeOut", "_array", "_makeTrade", "_vehSlot", "_vehicle", "_vehicles", "_display", "_addWeaponToHands", "_type", "_tax"];

if (!isNil "EPOCH_TRADE_COMPLETE") exitWith {};
if (!isNil "EPOCH_TRADE_STARTED") exitWith{};

if (!isNull _this) then{


_current_crypto = EPOCH_playerCrypto;

// _arrayIn = Sell Array
_sizeOut = lbSize 41501;
_arrayIn = [];
if (_sizeOut > 0) then{
for "_i" from 0 to(_sizeOut - 1) do {
_item = lbData[41501, _i];
if (isClass(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _item)) then{

// test remove items to be sold and add to array
if ([_item, "CfgWeapons"] call EPOCH_isAny) then{
if (_item in items player) then{
player removeItem _item;
_arrayIn pushBack _item;
} else {
if ([_item, "CfgVehicles"] call EPOCH_isAny) then{
_vehicles = _this nearEntities[[_item], 30];
if (!(_vehicles isEqualTo[])) then{
_vehicle = _vehicles select 0;
if (!isNull _vehicle) then{
if (local _vehicle) then{
_vehSlot = _vehicle getVariable["VEHICLE_SLOT", "ABORT"];
if (_vehSlot != "ABORT") then{
_arrayIn pushBack _item;
// will be removed server side
} else {
if (_item in magazines player) then{
player removeMagazine _item;
_arrayIn pushBack _item;
// test


// _arrayOut = Purchase Array
_sizeOut = lbSize 41502;
_arrayOut = [];
if (_sizeOut > 0) then{
for "_i" from 0 to(_sizeOut - 1) do {
_item = lbData[41502, _i];
if (isClass(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _item)) then{
_itemWorth = getNumber(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _item >> "price");
_itemTax = getNumber(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _item >> "tax");
_tax = _itemWorth * (EPOCH_taxRate + _itemTax);
_itemWorth = ceil(_itemWorth + _tax);

if (_current_crypto >= _itemWorth) then {
_current_crypto = _current_crypto - _itemWorth;
_arrayOut pushBack _item;

if (!(_arrayIn isEqualTo[]) || !(_arrayOut isEqualTo[])) then{

// make trade
EPOCH_MAKENPCTRADE = [_this, _arrayIn, _arrayOut, player, Epoch_personalToken];
publicVariableServer "EPOCH_MAKENPCTRADE";

// close menu
closeDialog 0;

[_arrayIn, _arrayOut] spawn{

waitUntil{ sleep 0.1; !isNil "EPOCH_TRADE_COMPLETE" };

if !((EPOCH_TRADE_COMPLETE select 0) isEqualTo[]) then{
if ((EPOCH_TRADE_COMPLETE select 0) isEqualTo(_this select 0)) then{
_errorMsg = 'Items Sold';
0 = [format["%1", _errorMsg], 0, 1, 5, 2, 0, 1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;

else {
_errorMsg = 'Failed To Sell Items';
0 = [format["%1", _errorMsg], 0, 1, 5, 2, 0, 1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;

if !((EPOCH_TRADE_COMPLETE select 1) isEqualTo[]) then{
if ((EPOCH_TRADE_COMPLETE select 1) isEqualTo(_this select 1)) then{

_errorMsg = 'Items Purchased';

// add purchased items
if ([_x, "CfgWeapons"] call EPOCH_isAny) then{
if (player canAdd _x) then{
player addItem _x;
else {
_type = getNumber(configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_x) >> "type");
_addWeaponToHands = false;
switch (_type) do {
case 1: {
if (primaryWeapon player == "") then{
_addWeaponToHands = true;
case 2: {
if (secondaryWeapon player == "") then{
_addWeaponToHands = true;
case 4: {
if (handgunWeapon player == "") then{
_addWeaponToHands = true;
if (_addWeaponToHands) then{
player addWeapon _x;
else {
_errorMsg = "Not enough space";

else {
if ([_x, "CfgMagazines"] call EPOCH_isAny) then{
if (player canAdd _x) then{
player addMagazine _x;
else {
_errorMsg = "Not enough space";
} forEach(_this select 1);

0 = [format["%1", _errorMsg], 0, 0.4, 5, 2, 0, 2] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;
else {
_errorMsg = 'Failed To Purchase Items';
0 = [format["%1", _errorMsg], 0, 0.4, 5, 2, 0, 2] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;




diag_log 'EMOD: Precompile Running';
EPOCH_npcTraderAdd = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\a3_epoch_code\compile\traders\OP_npcTraderAdd.sqf";
EPOCH_startNpcTrade = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\a3_epoch_code\compile\traders\OP_startNpcTrade.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\a3_epoch_code\init\fn_init.sqf";
diag_log 'EMOD: Precompile Finished';

so wats missing? ;p
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in description.ext                #include "missionconfigfile\CfgPricing.hpp" in description.ext


download emod and follow instructions


and put your CfgPricing in wat ever folder u named it         "missionconfigfile\CfgPricing.hpp"                 missionconfigfile is mine

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#include "missionconfigfile\CfgPricing.hpp" in description.ext



private ["_uiItem","_item","_worth","_cryptoCount","_control","_selected","_index","_sizeOut","_array"];

_control = _this select 0;

_selected = _this select 1;

_uiItem = (_selected select 0) lbData (_selected select 1);

if (isClass(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _uiItem)) then {

_index = lbAdd [_control, ((_selected select 0) lbText (_selected select 1))];

lbSetData [_control, _index, _uiItem];

lbSetPicture [_control, _index, ((_selected select 0) lbPicture (_selected select 1))];

(_selected select 0) lbDelete (_selected select 1);

_cryptoCount = 0;

_sizeOut = lbSize 41501;

//_array = [];

if (_sizeOut > 0) then {

for "_i" from 0 to (_sizeOut - 1) do {

_item = lbData [41501, _i];

//_array pushBack _item;

_worth = getNumber(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _item >> "price");

_cryptoCount = _cryptoCount + _worth;



ctrlSetText [41004, (format ["%1 Krypto", _cryptoCount])];

_cryptoCount = 0;

_sizeOut = lbSize 41502;

//_array = [];

if (_sizeOut > 0) then {

for "_i" from 0 to (_sizeOut - 1) do {

_item = lbData [41502, _i];

//_array pushBack _item;

_itemWorth = getNumber(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _item >> "price");

_itemTax = getNumber(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _item >> "tax");

_tax = _itemWorth * (EPOCH_taxRate + _itemTax);

_itemWorth = ceil(_itemWorth + _tax);

//diag_log format["_finalWorth %1", _finalWorth];

_cryptoCount = _cryptoCount + _itemWorth;



ctrlSetText [41005, (format ["%1 Krypto", _cryptoCount])];




private["_item", "_currQty", "_tradeType", "_itemWorth", "_aiItems", "_itemClasses", "_itemQtys", "_qtyIndex", "_tradeTotal", "_tradeQtyTotal", "_errorMsg", "_target", "_sizeOut", "_array", "_makeTrade", "_vehSlot", "_vehicle", "_vehicles", "_display", "_addWeaponToHands", "_type", "_tax"];

if (!isNil "EPOCH_TRADE_COMPLETE") exitWith {};

if (!isNil "EPOCH_TRADE_STARTED") exitWith{};

if (!isNull _this) then{


_current_crypto = EPOCH_playerCrypto;

// _arrayIn = Sell Array

_sizeOut = lbSize 41501;

_arrayIn = [];

if (_sizeOut > 0) then{

for "_i" from 0 to(_sizeOut - 1) do {

_item = lbData[41501, _i];

if (isClass(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _item)) then{

// test remove items to be sold and add to array

if ([_item, "CfgWeapons"] call EPOCH_isAny) then{

if (_item in items player) then{

player removeItem _item;

_arrayIn pushBack _item;


} else {

if ([_item, "CfgVehicles"] call EPOCH_isAny) then{

_vehicles = _this nearEntities[[_item], 30];

if (!(_vehicles isEqualTo[])) then{

_vehicle = _vehicles select 0;

if (!isNull _vehicle) then{

if (local _vehicle) then{

_vehSlot = _vehicle getVariable["VEHICLE_SLOT", "ABORT"];

if (_vehSlot != "ABORT") then{

_arrayIn pushBack _item;

// will be removed server side





} else {

if (_item in magazines player) then{

player removeMagazine _item;

_arrayIn pushBack _item;




// test




// _arrayOut = Purchase Array

_sizeOut = lbSize 41502;

_arrayOut = [];

if (_sizeOut > 0) then{

for "_i" from 0 to(_sizeOut - 1) do {

_item = lbData[41502, _i];

if (isClass(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _item)) then{

_itemWorth = getNumber(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _item >> "price");

_itemTax = getNumber(missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing" >> _item >> "tax");

_tax = _itemWorth * (EPOCH_taxRate + _itemTax);

_itemWorth = ceil(_itemWorth + _tax);

if (_current_crypto >= _itemWorth) then {

_current_crypto = _current_crypto - _itemWorth;

_arrayOut pushBack _item;





if (!(_arrayIn isEqualTo[]) || !(_arrayOut isEqualTo[])) then{

// make trade

EPOCH_MAKENPCTRADE = [_this, _arrayIn, _arrayOut, player, Epoch_personalToken];

publicVariableServer "EPOCH_MAKENPCTRADE";

// close menu

closeDialog 0;

[_arrayIn, _arrayOut] spawn{

waitUntil{ sleep 0.1; !isNil "EPOCH_TRADE_COMPLETE" };


if !((EPOCH_TRADE_COMPLETE select 0) isEqualTo[]) then{

if ((EPOCH_TRADE_COMPLETE select 0) isEqualTo(_this select 0)) then{

_errorMsg = 'Items Sold';

0 = [format["%1", _errorMsg], 0, 1, 5, 2, 0, 1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;


else {

_errorMsg = 'Failed To Sell Items';

0 = [format["%1", _errorMsg], 0, 1, 5, 2, 0, 1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;




if !((EPOCH_TRADE_COMPLETE select 1) isEqualTo[]) then{

if ((EPOCH_TRADE_COMPLETE select 1) isEqualTo(_this select 1)) then{

_errorMsg = 'Items Purchased';

// add purchased items


if ([_x, "CfgWeapons"] call EPOCH_isAny) then{

if (player canAdd _x) then{

player addItem _x;


else {

_type = getNumber(configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_x) >> "type");

_addWeaponToHands = false;

switch (_type) do {

case 1: {

if (primaryWeapon player == "") then{

_addWeaponToHands = true;



case 2: {

if (secondaryWeapon player == "") then{

_addWeaponToHands = true;



case 4: {

if (handgunWeapon player == "") then{

_addWeaponToHands = true;




if (_addWeaponToHands) then{

player addWeapon _x;


else {

_errorMsg = "Not enough space";




else {

if ([_x, "CfgMagazines"] call EPOCH_isAny) then{

if (player canAdd _x) then{

player addMagazine _x;


else {

_errorMsg = "Not enough space";




} forEach(_this select 1);

0 = [format["%1", _errorMsg], 0, 0.4, 5, 2, 0, 2] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;


else {

_errorMsg = 'Failed To Purchase Items';

0 = [format["%1", _errorMsg], 0, 0.4, 5, 2, 0, 2] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;










diag_log 'EMOD: Precompile Running';

EPOCH_npcTraderAdd = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\a3_epoch_code\compile\traders\OP_npcTraderAdd.sqf";

EPOCH_startNpcTrade = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\a3_epoch_code\compile\traders\OP_startNpcTrade.sqf";

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\a3_epoch_code\init\fn_init.sqf";

diag_log 'EMOD: Precompile Finished';

so wats missing? ;p


Server side make npc trade, thats whats missing

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server did not boot wen i changed it to that :/


i changed all the configFile >> "CfgPricing to missionconfigfile >> "CfgPricing in Epoch_server_MakeNpcTrade


that correct?


also would i have to do it with the CfgVehicles too..is that possibly why server did not load?

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