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Standard 'inertia values' need tweaking


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Hi guys


This mod is in desperate need of the standard arma 3 inertia values being changed. For clarity, I am referring to the absurd amount of weapon sway when your moving, or turning your character left and right, or the time it takes for your weapon to stabilize when you stop moving.


It is widely accepted that the standard arma 3 values are ridiculously unrealistic, this seems to be carrying on to epoch and it needs to be changed!


Certain guns should have this, such as the .50 cals. But CQC weapons like the AKM, MX series, etc should be toned down significantly.


Hope you take this on-board.

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It isn't going to be a good thing if purchasing a DLC gives you an advantage over another player.


I find it a bit funny how you can use the CQ scope of an ACOG and notice next to no sway but if you hit the slash key and go to the second 4x scope you are swaying all over.

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It isn't going to be a good thing if purchasing a DLC gives you an advantage over another player.


I find it a bit funny how you can use the CQ scope of an ACOG and notice next to no sway but if you hit the slash key and go to the second 4x scope you are swaying all over.


I think you sway the same amount in both magnifications, but the ACOG scope is about 10x magnification so it also magnifies the sway. So it may sway 1mm in the red dot sight, but the 10x magnification in the ACOG sight makes it seem like it sways 10mm. 

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It isn't going to be a good thing if purchasing a DLC gives you an advantage over another player.

I find it a bit funny how you can use the CQ scope of an ACOG and notice next to no sway but if you hit the slash key and go to the second 4x scope you are swaying all over.

Just magnifies the sway.

And as for the dlc I agree it suck that some will have things others wont, but they way that they are doing dlcs is that everyone will get the updated physics and such.

Like with the heli dlc everyone got the advanced flight mechanics, and paid for the helis.

with the marksman dlc they say they will overhaul gun mechanics, which everyone will have, and add guns which you will pay for. What they change or add is anyone's guess though

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched a video of Frankie playing some new A3 mode and he commented at least 3 or 4 times of the ridiculous amount of sway A3 has in it.


I agree the sway is just ridiculous. It's like you ran for 500 meters and are completely out of breathe but yet you only walked 3 feet.


I think it's an Arma issue John and not an Epoch one.

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