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ArmA 2 OA DayZ Epoch Server: Stuck at Loading Screen



Fellow community members,
I hope you can help me with an issue I am having. I created an ArmA 2 DayZ Epoch server. I am experiencing a strange issue where I get stuck at the loading screen when joining my server. It appears as though the game finishes loading, I can hear the game sounds, I can even move my character, hear his footsteps, etc. Nobody else is having this issue when connecting to my server. I have searched high and low and tried everything I can think of... for hours. I am unable to find a solution. 
After hours of troubleshooting, performing the following will allow me to connect:
1. Restart the server, be the 1st person to join the game, loads fine.
2. Without restarting the server, delete my character information from the database, join the server, loads fine.
If I use the above methods I can get in, however, if I leave the server, close the game, etc. I am unable to load again until one of the above is performed. Again, nobody else is having issues.
Has anyone run across this before? Any solution? Any ideas and help would be greatly appreciated!!
NOTE: Desperate, after trying everything I could find online, I tried formatting my computer, re installing OS, Arma 2/OA, DayZ Epoch, and the problem PERSISTS!
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