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Bank issue


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Hey there,


I wanted to try out the new bank options and place some krypto onto to the bank.


I looked for an ATM, found one and transferred my krypto to the bank.


I saw in the left corner of the banking screen the whole krypto stock was displayed with "-4800", I transferred 12 kryto, so this value decreased by 12..


I was not able to withdraw my krypto, what's the story behind that? Bug ?



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I'm hoping they will implement a maximum debt - let's say 3000 Krypto. I believe I'm currently at - 5600 because like you I do testing of bugs that i hear about. Even if i wasn't, I'm not that good of player and i will die a lot. This means that I will never reach a positive amount in the bank. At least with a 3000 debt, there is a chance to regain control. 


OR  maybe they will just adjust the selling prices of items, so selling items will allow a person to gain krypto faster. ie - m107 sells for 200 krypto or something. 


Only my opinion. 

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