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Make the currency system part of the debug menu?


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I'm not a programmer by any means, but did the money system have to be part of the inventory system. It is soooo slow to use, and its difficult to sell things when you have a full inventory and no vehicle to stash stuff in.


it would be far better in the debug menu, and you could automaticly loot whatever currency people have on them when you loot the body. 

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Having to carry the metals around with you and storing them in vaults is part of the epoch experience, in my opinion.


I figure you're talking about a bank account mechanism. Getting this to work would require quite a bit of code alteration, and possibly extra database information. next to that you have to consider the following:


-should copper/sillver/gold you pick up automatically be added to your bank account or do you have to add them manually (for instance by using a banking npc)?

-should traders deduct their sales from your bank account?

-should your bank account be wiped if you die, should the bank account be lootable from your dead body?

-how will smelting and trading metals work with the bank account system?

-will you be able to give other people metals from your bank account?

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I think the better alternative is if the trading system could handle automatic currency conversion. i.e the item is 12silver, you give the trader 1 gold and he/she automatically gives you back the difference.  Also, if you opt to buy multiples of some item then you buy it all in one action, not dozens.  Other than that the system is perfect and can only get better :)

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I saw exactly what you were talking about in a screenshot once OP, I also remember someone talking about having it on their server. I like the idea of having it there. The metal conversion is just annoying and doing inventory management any time you want to make purchases also gets annoying. My friends and I are often arguing over who should do the bigger trades when we do them together. I think that this clunky trading system takes away from a better Epoch experience.


Its doesn't have to be called a credit card or be any sort of electronic banking system. You could call it anything... gold coins, bottlecaps, w/e. Anything like that would be more realistic than carrying 5 briefcases of gold to the traders. 500oz @ $1300 per ounce = $6.5million. Anyways you could do most of what you are talking about in the fn_selfActions.sqf I think. When you go to a dead body, you now have gear, hide body, study body, and take **** coins/money. Safes and lockboxes would also have a limit on how much it can hold as well and they would have a new "transfer currency" option. Safes could hold quite a bit considering right now they can hold 2000oz * $1300 = $26mil.


Edit: It would also be harder to dupe, I'd think.

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I agree that a smaller currency needs to be added like gold, silver and copper coins which could be carried in a purse (wallet) that holds up to a certain weight enough to at least buy meds, food and ammunition without having to a bar, exchange it, smelt back again, etc.. every time. While the larger gold bars etc can still be used for purchases like vehicles and high end weapons.

It might be harder to dupe Patches, but it would also make it easier for players to sit at trader cities all day farming as well.

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A simple fix to this instead of having to completely redo the economy in epoch would be to have a crate for each vendor. You put what you want to sell into the crate, which is then calculated into the currency it is worth. That way you can sell everything you want in one fell swoop, only having one animation. Then the currency appears in the crate. For purchasing items, you put the money into the crate, add a QTY option, select the QTY, and have one animation to turn the currency into the bought item(s).

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A simple fix to this instead of having to completely redo the economy in epoch would be to have a crate for each vendor. You put what you want to sell into the crate, which is then calculated into the currency it is worth. That way you can sell everything you want in one fell swoop, only having one animation. Then the currency appears in the crate. For purchasing items, you put the money into the crate, add a QTY option, select the QTY, and have one animation to turn the currency into the bought item(s).

Only problem I can think of with that is that there is quite a few very populated servers with populated trading areas and I'm not sure if you can make that inventory of the crate client side.

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