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Arma 2 Headless Clients is a Waste? - Arma 3 HC?


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x) "Arma 2 Epoch Headless Clients is a waste."

This can be wrong, off course.


Seen some (not sure how many) Arma 3 Servers are using Headless Clients, so i would like to know if HC is implemented in the Arma 3 Epoch project vision or it's, may be, something from the comunity?



Why x) statement can be, may be, right:

- You should need to remake the mod to take advantage of all it's HC capabilities.

- Zombies (FSM AI) that are not local behave strangely (not the client precision thing, and tested in 100+ ms ping).

- Zombies run on client, so you is not saving server resources, but clients resource... a bit of each client resources.

- Spawn 10 times more zombies? Why?

- Spawn 10 times more bots? Why?

- Since there is no HC client assumption in a mod that is not made for HC, the HC client will have tons of undesired processes that will, itself, consume a good part of the resources. Even without this ton of undesired processes, the HC still compromisse a lot of resources just to mantain itself running.

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