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Requesting Authentication... retrying to authenticate



Hello All.

I have been having a problem on my server for awhile now where my users sometimes get the message ...requesting authentication then after a few a short time it goes to retrying to authenticate. after seeing this for awhile I started to do some digging and noticed that this happens mostly when the Character ID in my player_login for the player that cant get in is set to a zero instead of being incrimented to the next number. if I go in and correct the zero to the last known character ID the player can then get in.

I have Zupa's coin script loaded with all the patches from soul installed. my RPT shows the following when a user can not login.


21:06:18 "DISCONNECT: {HT} Rhammer (76561198045518866) Object: B 1-1-G:1 ({HT} Rhammer) REMOTE, _characterID: 3800 at loc [10153.3,-4593.06,89.8789]"
21:06:18 "ERROR: server_playerSync: Cannot Sync Player {HT} Rhammer [3800]. Position in debug! [10153.3,-4593.06,89.8789]"

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You can setup this table in mysql that it auto-increments the Character ID. So if a new line is added to the table the 'next' ID is taken automatically.


Character_DATA table, structure (in phpMyadmin or other tool). Find the line for Character_DATA and set the autoincrement option to true.


Maybe that's what you want.

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Ok I have tried to set my Character ID as Auto increment, however I already have an auto incriment for my Login ID  and when I try to set this as suggested Heidi Sql gives me an error

"SQL error (1075): Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key"


Any suggestions?

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