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Squad/Group Limit


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We have a large group of players and all want to be in the same group. There is about say 20 of us and could expand in time. We are looking to be part of the same group as it would be easier to spot out your friendlies compared to an enemy rather than having 2 separate groups and losing your friends if you are with them.


Not fun when you are playing on a 70+ server and you can't see who is friendly or not.


If we can't have one large group is it possible to have 2 small groups that can join together to make one large one. Keep your group name and have the other group show up in a different colour?


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So your looking to be more then 25% of the server population? Sounds like good way to nerf that kinda sized group to have 2 groups. Sure I like big groups but that kinda size makes it kinda silly, you just want to steamroll yourselfes through the servers never losing gear and shit.


To un sportful for my taste.

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that actualy doesn't seem like too bad an idea , the alliance thing would be a nice feature to show which clans youre friendly with but I fear those same clans just absolutely taking over a server with everyone else being target practice (me included lol). for a bit of fairness to the loners and small squads id have to say if you want to roll in such large numbers then youll have to coordinate through comms and not half a server full of hexes on the screen.

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I hope they don't do it. To damn big groups man you need some nerf in..

This comes from someone that think Vannad should stay Vanilla and don't mind being outnumbered. But even for a 5 man group with high skills it would almost be impossible to answer that kind of a force, you could all be rookies but still win with those numbers. Nerfing you so that you at least need tight coms only seems fair.

Would not be fun for anyone else but your group on the server. And I'm not claiming myself to be skilled : )

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We have a large squad of 24 on our server the grouping system only gos to 16 though. Oh and they in no way dominate our server. So whoevrr said it would is wrong.

Could be a reason because they have trouble with coms, if they now where every one is they might be able to take more shots but now they might have to skip some because it could be a friendly.

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yeh dazza you may not dominate a server but lets face it you will dominate most any engagements with smaller sized group , just through sheer weight of numbers alone. a small price to pay is limiting the hex amount so you don't just overwhelm in engagements and have to be good on comms. dont get me wrong I love group engagements and intense fights but its just insane fighting 24 vs 3 , to say you wouldn't dominate them is crazy a lot of squads I see on servers are made up of around 6 - 8 guys , even then I think you guys would steamroll through weight of numbers and having the ability to quickly pin down and flank.

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We have a large group of players and all want to be in the same group. There is about say 20 of us and could expand in time. We are looking to be part of the same group as it would be easier to spot out your friendlies compared to an enemy rather than having 2 separate groups and losing your friends if you are with them.


Not fun when you are playing on a 70+ server and you can't see who is friendly or not.


If we can't have one large group is it possible to have 2 small groups that can join together to make one large one. Keep your group name and have the other group show up in a different colour?

Who the fuck plays with 20 people motherfucker

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Oh I aint in that group im just an admin. We have several large groups just the 24 man one is the biggest. What we see is the smaller groups will temporary join up to take down a large squad if need be. I have also seen a 2 man team take down a team of 15. It's not about numbers at all.

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Oh I aint in that group im just an admin. We have several large groups just the 24 man one is the biggest. What we see is the smaller groups will temporary join up to take down a large squad if need be. I have also seen a 2 man team take down a team of 15. It's not about numbers at all.

as always its about luck and ability , the right time and place and yeh I agree that engagements can go your way. im just spitballing about seeing a 24 man team bearing down on me , a clean pair of shorts would be my first port of call.

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Who the fuck plays with 20 people motherfucker

There isn't always 20 of us on at once. There is 20 of us in 2 separate groups on at different times of the day. normally there is about 10 of us on. We aren't all together either. Sometimes we could be in together with 5 of us in a small group. Sometimes we are on our own. It just depends.

All i'm saying is that it would be good if we could have a group and have other groups that are marked as a different coloured hex. Make it easier to spot out friendly players.

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