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Crafting Supplies Help

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Wood is found at Trees, you must complete the chopping action to get woodpiles depnending on the size of said tree.


2 Woodpiles makes Lumber, 2 Lumber Makes Plywood. Can Be Crafted Anywhere


4 Lumber & 4 Plywood Makes your Basic Wood Shack. Can Be Crafted Anywhere


6 10oz Gold buys you a Plot Pole at any Vehicle/Base Parts Dealer save your Pennies of find some Choppers to Sell.


You or your tagged friends can craft within a 30m radius of said plot pole once deployed. Cannot be deployed in buildings but close around them seems fine.


2 Scrap Metal found at industrials and wrecks can craft one Metal Pole. (1 10oz Silver to Buy)  Crafted Near a Lit Fire Source Barrels, Fireplace.


From there 2x Pole, 2x Tanktrap, 2x Lumber is used to create a Corregated Fence Piece (2 gold to Buy) - Can be deployed as a fence within your Plot Areas or kept for future development.


To expand from there, 2 Fence Pieces, 5 Lumber and 5 Plywood crafts an Wood Shed - Must be crafted within 2m radius of Wood Shack


Your new wooden Shack can be then placed within your Plot Areas.


You can also build a non enter-able Storage Shed that holds the most out of the three.


All your advanced supplies can be found by looking around and also some are purchasable from Vendors and Some even in Bulk from Wholesales, even making a tidy profit reselling to vendors.


Light Bulbs found in industrial, Sandbags at Wreck Sites and Military, Spare Cloths and Tents can be refined into Canvas which can be crafted into things or upgraded in groups of 2 to Burlap.


Everything else is self explanatory I think...



The Epoch Team is on the ball the ways of coding. You just need to understand how busy they are with fixes and incremental updates and features.


Sometimes you just need to read between the lines and experiment in-game for them.  :D

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Wood is found at Trees, you must complete the chopping action to get woodpiles depnending on the size of said tree.


2 Woodpiles makes Lumber, 2 Lumber Makes Plywood. Can Be Crafted Anywhere


4 Lumber & 4 Plywood Makes your Basic Wood Shack. Can Be Crafted Anywhere


6 10oz Gold buys you a Plot Pole at any Vehicle/Base Parts Dealer save your Pennies of find some Choppers to Sell.


You or your tagged friends can craft within a 30m radius of said plot pole once deployed. Cannot be deployed in buildings but close around them seems fine.


2 Scrap Metal found at industrials and wrecks can craft one Metal Pole. (1 10oz Silver to Buy)  Crafted Near a Lit Fire Source Barrels, Fireplace.


From there 2x Pole, 2x Tanktrap, 2x Lumber is used to create a Corregated Fence Piece (2 gold to Buy) - Can be deployed as a fence within your Plot Areas or kept for future development.


To expand from there, 2 Fence Pieces, 5 Lumber and 5 Plywood crafts an Wood Shed - Must be crafted within 2m radius of Wood Shack


Your new wooden Shack can be then placed within your Plot Areas.


You can also build a non enter-able Storage Shed that holds the most out of the three.


All your advanced supplies can be found by looking around and also some are purchasable from Vendors and Some even in Bulk from Wholesales, even making a tidy profit reselling to vendors.


Light Bulbs found in industrial, Sandbags at Wreck Sites and Military, Spare Cloths and Tents can be refined into Canvas which can be crafted into things or upgraded in groups of 2 to Burlap.


Everything else is self explanatory I think...



The Epoch Team is on the ball the ways of coding. You just need to understand how busy they are with fixes and incremental updates and features.


Sometimes you just need to read between the lines and experiment in-game for them.  :D


Thanks, No No your response time is good :D I appreciate the info :D

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Sounds like the Server files are old, Be sure you have the latest files found here.




Also be sure you run the SQL Update provided.


The options should present themselves, if not find these buildings the wild stand close by and see if the options are available then.




If not it could be a bug.. somehow.

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maybe open the wiki for registered users submit changes, and admins can approve or refuse them

I'm new to the mod and end it up searching for things elsewhere, but maybe I'm don't know where it is on the wiki. Like for example if there's any alternative way of gaining humanity and what NPC's talk to bandits (I can only see a few with the diplomacy description)

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Gaining humanity is only gained at the moment it seems by medical deeds 20 Each and gutting a zombie once it disappears 1 Each.


Hopefully soon with custom AI added they can add more potential bandits and friendlies to shoot and gain / loose humanity faster.

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