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Urgent help or advice needed - I screwed up :(


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Hey all,


I've just accidentally run a delete from on my object_data - like an idiot :(


The backups are old too :(


Thing is - the gameserver is running, and all the stuf fis there in-game, but I'm sure when it next reboots, all will be lost :( (table is empty!).


I'm guessing there's no way that the game will re-write the data to the table, as it's there in-game?



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ahhh I'll check that now - Hmmm hive log here I come! (what a f3Ck1ng eeediot I am! Was running a select all, and missed the fact that I had DELETE insteald of sel;ect - from a previous query :(



You most likely will be getting a shed load of errors in the hive log where the game is trying to update the objects. Is possible you could get some info from the log to apply to a clean object_data manually.

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Hmmmm no errors - which is very odd!


I've just wiped out some bases i think, which is the real kicker :(

You most likely will be getting a shed load of errors in the hive log where the game is trying to update the objects. Is possible you could get some info from the log to apply to a clean object_data manually.

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