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How can I add multi intro song?



Currently I have 1 intro Music
But I want to add several music and play it as random.
This is my description part of the introsong
//intro script
class CfgSounds
    sounds[] =
    class introSong
    titles[] = {};
How can i fix this class?
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class CfgSounds
    sounds[] =
    class introSong
    titles[] = {};
    class introSong2
    titles[] = {};

It would look like that, but that isn't enough to make it play more than one song, you would need to add code that would play the other songs 


This is how you execute the sound 

playSound "introSong2";

so you could have something like this

waitUntil { alive player };
sleep 4;
playsound "introSong";
cutText ["You are playing on *ServerName*", "PLAIN DOWN"];
sleep 4;
cutText ["Second Editable Text", "PLAIN DOWN"];
sleep 4;
cutText ["Third Editable Text", "PLAIN DOWN"];
sleep 10;
playSound "introSong2"; 
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Why not make it random.


_soundArray = ["introSong","introSong2","introSong3"]; // add your sounds here in a list/array


_soundToPlay  = [_soundArray] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; // select a random one from that array


playsound _soundToPlay; // play the random sound

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Ah, the [ ] around _soundArray in the BIS_fnc_selectRandom line is too much.



_soundToPlay  = [_soundArray] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;


needs to be:

_soundToPlay  = _soundArray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;


In your description.ext you also need other songs?? How would you randomly select if you only have 1?

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