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Why do we have a hardcore Texas Server?

Shadow Moses

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I am not trying to start the age old war about hardcore vs Reg servers and all that noise about 3rd person views. I am just trying to wrap my mind around why this server is set up and has about the average population of 12 to 15 players. Where as the other Texas server is slam packed almost around the clock. Wouldnt it be better to utilize this server as a regular server so we could utilized those extra player slots? I am just wonder what the logic was behind this.






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To test how hardcore servers respond and iron out any potential bugs that may occur with the different server settings. And to separate the men from the boys :) testing first naturally..


I don't really think bugs are different in a first person server only than in the third person,, Regular server is always packed 50/50 and the hardcore one is 7/50 max,, we are waiting 43 testers,,, don't you see the point?

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The Hardcore server has different settings due to the change in difficulty. Not only is it first person only but trader and event locations may be hidden, you may become hungry or thirsty at a faster rate, you may have more cultists, sappers, and more aggressive dogs and lastly you may take increased damage. It's important to test all of these variables in a hardcore setting.


Now I don't disagree with the idea of getting another US server online for the regular difficulty. The Texas one is packed 50/50 all night long!

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