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Getting any errors in your server .rpt file? how about your local .rpt file? Not sure, how do you tell?


I use a program called tail.exe  part of GnuWin then I made a simple .bat file to execute the tail command telling it to read/display the local rpt file as things happen.


Here is an example of the .bat file I made



echo Starting Local RPT Log Window.
set tailpath="C:\Program Files (x86)\gnuwin32\bin"
cd /d %tailpath%
timeout 1
start "LocalRPT" "tail.exe" -F "C:\Users\yourpcusername\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\ArmA2OA.RPT"
Just copy and paste that into a notepad file and save it as .bat instead of .txt  change yourpcusername to whatever you have.  I have it setup for both my test server and my local rpt file so I can see any errors on both sides of the fence at once for troubleshooting. was surprised the amount of client side errors ya can get that don't show on server side logs.
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