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Clothing dupe glitch (multiple players sharing inventories)


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A few times when we killed someone last night we would be able to loot the clothing multiple times but we would all share the same inventory. 

If we picked up a ghillie suit, i could sell an item and it would disappear from a teammates inventory. 

We ended up taking a vest from someone we killed and left the body there, I guess the guy who dies came back and got his vest because items were being put in and taken out as we were playing. 

Everything the guy would put in, we would drag to our backpacks so I am sure he was wondering what the heck was going on. 


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This just happened to me too. Killed a Sapper and checked its inventory. It had only "clothes" named Sapper, tried to get them in my bag and my clothes got duplicated on the floor with the same items I had.


I took a screenshot, so that you can see how clothes on the floor and clothes I have are the same: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/41978886816254397/465DC9A58B7EDAD8AF932CDE0D4D18F3836946FB/

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just happened to me a bit ago but i think its more to do with desync than an actual bug ... ive been testing epoch for a month and half now and have never seen this till now...  it was red chaining just as i went to pick up a friends items where he died...  i picked up his rifle no problem throwing it in my backpack...but when i went to pick up his clothing to throw in my backpack it instantly changed mine with his... sooo i didnt want that so i went to take mine back but they were nowhere to be found... all that was there was his clothes again...   so i grabbed them thinking my items would at least still be in there..nope... i was now stuck with hunter clothes with NOTHING in them... lost all my food and drink and towlettes and other items...


   then when he got back and i gave him his rifle he went to give me a drink he picked up on the way.... he placed a single drink on the ground and when i picked it up i had a shit ton of more garbage.... i said how much did you put down he said one drink....  apparantly it gave me everything he had collected on the way back to his spot... but he still had copies of them as well!   


    I am thinking its the desync bullshit more than anything

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