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BEC update...1 admin?

Nakama Mind


Hey guys sorry for the silly question but I just updated bec to v1.601 and everything looks like it is running fine all my jobs have been scheduled. I am noticing however when I log in on Dart it only says 1 admin is connected instead of two. Is this something to do with the newest version of BEC or did I mess something up here that im not seeing.


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You mean this?




If so, DaRT seems to be an abandoned project and is full of problems, and i guess the problem is with DaRT itself. Here i had 2 other people logged into dart and i actually have a 500 line bans.txt

Honestly I am unsure why it started saying 1 admin was logged in. I assumed BEC was not logging in but I just removed all traces of dart gave my comp a restart and unzipped another copy to my desktop works fine now!


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