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Arma3 Epoch Fatigue


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I'd like to run something by you guys to see if any of you are experiencing the same.

After a couple of hours of gaming on A3 I'm feeling very tired. Compare this with my almost nightly four hour sessions of A2 Epoch, which haven't caused me any noticeable fatigue.

My mate suggested it could be related to the technical side like hertz or lighting.

I'm thinking it could be to do with the fact I'm trying to learn the new game, thus concentrating more intently, as opposed to the 'second nature' I feel with A2.

For those young whippersnappers laughing at this post, you've got to take into account my age of 42 and the fact I play it after work.

I can't put my finger on it, but it's doing my head in. Anyone else?

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I think the long distances are what does it. You're running along, trying to keep your eyes peeled, while 80% of the time, there is nothing to really pay attention to. For example, I run from one city to the other, while I am doing this, I keep panning around the horizon. Eventually, I start to notice I haven't seen anything threatening or interesting, then my attention span starts to kick in and wants something to happen. I think this is what is causing the game to feel like it has more weight on our gaming stamina. Compared to A2 DayZ mods, I have had 1 engagement in the 2 days (5+ hour sessions) which is VERY tame.


I love the mod. I love A3. I think the fact that I don't see a player and feel threatened all the time is a good and bad thing. Good because it allows player growth, friends to meet up, players to enjoy the environment. Its disadvantage is the obvious strain on our gaming stamina, coupled with encounters so far and between that you have to be on your toes all the time to not be caught off guard, which is a lot of time thinking very hard when nothing is really happening or going to happen.


The solution: More ways to travel faster without compensating for the cool aspect of walking from house to house or village to village, city to city. Maybe vehicles that aren't always in 100% condition. They could be slightly damaged and require repairs thus forcing more walking and looting around, work for your ride kind of thing. And the players who do manage to get the vehicles, wouldn't be super over powered in their ability to travel large distances, especially if the vehicle has a high chance of wrecking.


These are just, like, my opinions man. lol. Feel free to counter them or add to them.



EDIT: Also, more antagonists, not types, but more of them in frequency. I have encountered 2 sappers, 1 cultist and 2 quad copters. Having more enemies would make the experience a little more engaging and also stimulate the gamer and fuel that gaming stamina.

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