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Adding skins


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Hi guys,


Im fairly new to server stuff but was wondering if its possible to add a couple of base Arma 2 skins to our Epoch hero trader as im sure i remember reading it can be done with base Arma 2 skins without having to mod core Epoch files then having to have players download an extra pack?


Skins im trying to add are;


FR_AC  - FAC Operator skin
FR_TL  - Team Leader skin
RUS_Commander  - Spetsnaz Officer skin
I have added them to our database, they show in the clothes menu in game but has no icon which made me think it was not listed as an item correctly, but it is, also when i buy one it takes gold and i get no skin.
Here is how a default Epoch skin looks on the database
5003 ["Skin_FR_OHara_DZ",1] 997 [2,"ItemGoldBar",1] [1,"ItemGoldBar",1] 0 476 trade_items
and here is how my entry looks
4999 ["FR_AC",1] 998 [2,"ItemGoldBar",1] [1,"ItemGoldBar",1] 0 476 trade_items
As you can see the default skin is named differently with   Skin_  and  _DZ   yet they are both base Arma 2 skins, do the skins need to be added to another location or am i barking up the wrong tree here or can it be done? I have added extra vehicles and weapons with no problem, but the skins? :(
Thanks in advance guys
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You can not add them as an item. 




These items are defind in your CfgMagazines and the skins in CfgVehicles which cannot be overwritten( except if you make a new mod and players need to download that).


So u cannot add items to them cus you cannot use that config. 


Example how it looks like in your arma config codes:

class SkinBase: CA_Magazine {
	scope = 0;
	count = 1;
	type = 256;
	displayName = "Clothes";
	model = "\dayz_equip\models\cloth_parcel.p3d";
	picture = "\dayz_equip\textures\equip_cloth_parcel_ca.paa";
	descriptionShort = "Clothes Parcel";
	weight = 1;
	class ItemActions {
		class Use {
			text = $STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_268;
			script = "spawn player_wearClothes;";
		class Crafting {
			text = $STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_269b;
			script = ";['Crafting','CfgMagazines', _id] spawn player_craftItem;";
			neednearby[] = {};
			requiretools[] = {"ItemToolbox","ItemKnife"};
			output[] = {{"ItemCanvas",1}};
			input[] = {{"SkinBase",2}};
		class Crafting1 {
			text = $STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_269;
			script = ";['Crafting1','CfgMagazines', _id] spawn player_craftItem;";
			neednearby[] = {};
			requiretools[] = {"ItemToolbox","ItemKnife"};
			output[] = {{"ItemBandage",2}};
			input[] = {{"SkinBase",1},{"ItemTrashToiletpaper",1}};
class Skin_Sniper1_DZ: SkinBase {
	scope = 2;
	displayName = $STR_EQUIP_NAME_43;
	descriptionShort = $STR_EQUIP_DESC_43;

So every skinItem is based of the SkinBase, so if it was possible we  just had to add some new classes and done.


But no we cant do that. Because Because. 


Same goes for the actual skin ( like defining own skins etc).


You can use arma Skins, but then you need to use the default ones which are in the default config of Arma or any other mod your server uses.


You can let people wear them but not having it as an item. 


For example my cloth script:






Skin_ in front of the ctual skin is a syntax for the ITEM you can hold.

so forexample:


Skin: FR_OHara_DZ

Item: Skin_FR_OHara_DZ


Clicking the item gives you the skin. BUT this item and skin needs to be defined in epoch config.

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