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[RELEASE] Monitor a process & reLaunch it if it is not running - log everything


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 Hi guys,


We had a "shutdown the server and relaunch it" script (which was found on this forums - thanks to all posted/improved it) which was working perfect for over 2 months now.

However on first such occurence I realized that if the server crashes unexpectedly, our solution (BEC) will not be able to restart itself so we needed some external monitoring & intervention to check & relaunch it when necessary.

FireDaemon and its friends are nice and all but (1) I don't want an additional software license to pay for and (2) I do not wish to maintain another software with future updates etc.  so I wrote this basic Windows BATCH script which seems to be doing the job. I will update the post if I find issues and/or improve it in any way.


This batch script monitors:

( 1 ) a configurable Windows executable

( 2 ) by checking every N seconds

( 3 ) if it is found to be NOT RUNNING, it patiently waits for a configurable N seconds amount of time (to ensure it's not double launched)

( 4 ) if monitoredApp is still not running  reLaunches it

( 5 ) and writes everything to a log file for admin review

( 6 ) and if debug=1 is configured also prints this information into the Windows cmd (console) window so that we can see what's going on without checking any log files


Hope it helps someone else save some time... Please post any questions/comments/improvements here.




@echo off
::	Check if a process is running
::	if it's not running on first check, wait for a configurable wait_time seconds
::	after wait_time, if it's still not running, relaunch it
::	log events as you go
:: script by: mgm http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/16852-mgm/
:: grep-like BATCH code taken from Peter Mortensen's post here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1329790

:: Set the application you wish to monitor
set MonitoredApp=arma2oaserver.exe
set LogFile=C:\dayz_mod_server\__tool.script.restart_batch_script\LaunchIfNotRunning.log
set ReLaunchFile="C:\dayz_mod_server\__tool.script.restart_batch_script\LaunchOverpoch.Cher.bat"
set DurationToNapBeforeNextCheck=45
set DurationToBePatient=45

:: Set Debug Mode
set debug=1

tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq %MonitoredApp%" 2>NUL | find /I /N "%MonitoredApp%">NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" (
echo SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp ^(%MonitoredApp%^) is running on %date% %time% >> %LogFile%
					if %debug% == 1 (
					echo DEBUG: SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp ^(%MonitoredApp%^) is running on %date% %time%
					echo DEBUG: Now waiting for DurationToNapBeforeNextCheck ^(%DurationToNapBeforeNextCheck%^) seconds
timeout %DurationToNapBeforeNextCheck%
goto :check_first_pass
) else (
goto :check_second_pass

:: if we are here, the check_first_pass must have failed. but are we in the middle of relaunch? let's not launch another 'relaunch' command rashly. first wait for DurationToBePatient
echo FAILURE ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp ^(%MonitoredApp%^) was NOT running on %date% %time% >> %LogFile%
					if %debug% == 1 (
					echo DEBUG: FAILURE ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp ^(%MonitoredApp%^) was NOT running on %date% %time%
					echo DEBUG: Now waiting DurationToBePatient ^(%DurationToBePatient%^) seconds before checking again and relaunching if MonitoredApp ^(%MonitoredApp%^) is still not running...
timeout %DurationToBePatient%
	:: play it again, Sam
	tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq %MonitoredApp%" 2>NUL | find /I /N "%MonitoredApp%">NUL
	if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" (
	echo SUCCESS ON 2ND CHECK: %MonitoredApp% is running on %date% %time% >> %LogFile%
	if %debug% == 1 (
	echo DEBUG: SUCCESS ON 2ND CHECK: %MonitoredApp% is running on %date% %time%
	goto :check_first_pass
	) else (
	echo FAILURE ON 2ND CHECK: MonitoredApp ^(%MonitoredApp%^) was STILL NOT running on %date% %time%. Relaunching now... >> %LogFile%
	if %debug% == 1 (
	echo DEBUG: FAILURE ON 2ND CHECK: MonitoredApp ^(%MonitoredApp%^) was STILL NOT running on %date% %time%. Relaunching now...
	START "" %ReLaunchFile%
	echo RELAUNCH command issued on %date% %time%. Taking a nap now, before performing the next check in DurationToNapBeforeNextCheck ^(%DurationToNapBeforeNextCheck%^) seconds >> %LogFile%
	if %debug% == 1 (
	echo DEBUG: RELAUNCH command issued on %date% %time%. Taking a nap now, before performing the next check in DurationToNapBeforeNextCheck ^(%DurationToNapBeforeNextCheck%^) seconds
	timeout %DurationToNapBeforeNextCheck%
	goto :check_first_pass

:: We're done here. (well arma server is never done - we should never hit this line anyway lol)


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The log file (and debug monitor if you've enabled it) looks like this:


FAILURE ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) was NOT running on 30/08/2014 23:50:20.99
FAILURE ON 2ND CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) was STILL NOT running on 30/08/2014 23:50:33.33. Relaunching now...
Relaunch command issued on 30/08/2014 23:50:33.33. Taking a nap now, before performing the next check in DurationToNapBeforeNextCheck (45) seconds
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 30/08/2014 23:51:18.25
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 30/08/2014 23:52:03.27
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 30/08/2014 23:53:37.86
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 30/08/2014 23:54:22.26
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 30/08/2014 23:55:07.26
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 30/08/2014 23:55:52.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 30/08/2014 23:56:37.31
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 30/08/2014 23:57:22.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 30/08/2014 23:58:07.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 30/08/2014 23:58:52.31
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 30/08/2014 23:59:37.22
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:00:22.22
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:01:07.29
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:01:52.24
FAILURE ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) was NOT running on 31/08/2014  0:02:02.07
FAILURE ON 2ND CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) was STILL NOT running on 31/08/2014  0:02:14.66. Relaunching now...
RELAUNCH command issued on 31/08/2014  0:02:14.66. Taking a nap now, before performing the next check in DurationToNapBeforeNextCheck (45) seconds
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:02:37.22
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:02:59.25
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:03:22.22
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:03:44.26
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:04:07.27
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:04:29.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:04:52.31
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:05:14.24
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:05:37.29
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:05:59.27
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:06:22.22
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:06:44.31
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:07:07.23
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:07:29.25
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:07:52.23
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:08:14.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:08:37.24
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:08:59.31
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:09:22.25
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:09:44.24
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:10:07.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:10:29.24
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:10:52.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:11:14.24
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:11:37.29
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:11:59.26
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:12:22.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:12:44.31
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:13:07.27
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:13:29.21
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:13:52.21
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:14:14.32
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:14:37.31
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:14:59.31
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:15:22.23
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:15:44.31
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:16:07.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:16:29.28
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:16:52.21
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:17:14.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:17:37.27
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:17:59.29
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:18:22.27
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:18:44.23
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:19:07.26
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:19:29.29
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:19:52.31
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:20:14.32
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:20:37.25
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:20:59.26
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:21:22.28
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:21:44.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:22:07.24
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:22:29.23
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:22:52.25
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:23:14.28
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:23:37.23
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:23:59.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:24:22.29
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:24:44.21
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:25:07.31
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:25:29.26
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:25:52.24
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:26:14.28
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:26:37.25
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:26:59.23
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:27:22.27
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:27:44.23
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:28:07.29
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:28:29.23
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:28:52.26
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:29:14.23
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:29:37.28
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:29:59.31
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:30:22.31
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:30:44.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:31:07.24
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:31:29.23
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:31:52.27
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:32:14.23
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:32:37.28
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:32:59.26
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:33:22.28
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:33:44.25
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:34:07.25
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:34:29.23
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:34:52.24
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:35:14.22
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:35:37.20
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:35:59.27
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:36:22.29
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:36:44.25
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:37:07.20
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:37:29.22
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:37:52.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:38:14.21
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:38:37.22
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:38:59.24
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:39:22.21
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:39:44.20
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:40:07.29
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:40:29.26
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:40:52.26
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:41:14.29
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:41:37.26
FAILURE ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) was NOT running on 31/08/2014  0:41:59.21
FAILURE ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) was NOT running on 31/08/2014  0:42:22.27
FAILURE ON 2ND CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) was STILL NOT running on 31/08/2014  0:42:44.22. Relaunching now...
RELAUNCH command issued on 31/08/2014  0:42:44.22. Taking a nap now, before performing the next check in DurationToNapBeforeNextCheck (45) seconds
SUCCESS ON 2ND CHECK: arma2oaserver.exe is running on 31/08/2014  0:43:07.23
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:43:07.34
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:43:29.25
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:43:52.23
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:44:14.26
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:44:37.20
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:44:59.26
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:45:22.26
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:45:44.25
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:46:07.24
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:46:29.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:46:52.31
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:47:14.22
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:47:37.26
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:47:59.28
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:48:22.21
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:48:44.29
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:49:07.28
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:49:29.22
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:49:52.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:50:14.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:50:37.29
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:51:22.21
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:52:07.28
FAILURE ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) was NOT running on 31/08/2014  0:52:52.24
FAILURE ON 2ND CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) was STILL NOT running on 31/08/2014  0:53:37.30. Relaunching now...
RELAUNCH command issued on 31/08/2014  0:53:37.30. Taking a nap now, before performing the next check in DurationToNapBeforeNextCheck (45) seconds
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:54:22.30
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:55:07.29
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:55:52.32
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:56:37.21
SUCCESS ON 1ST CHECK: MonitoredApp (arma2oaserver.exe) is running on 31/08/2014  0:57:22.24

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Due to overwhelming response from you guys [ :P ] I'm sharing below my latest addition to this.

The script in post #1 monitors & relaunches arma2oaserver.exe if it ever crashes unexpectedly. It's doing its job fine.


My next problem was it kept creating a new instance of itself every time game server had a scheduled auto restart - now I'm using the code bit below, in an EXE compiled version of the code below.

This exe is executed as the last line of my "relaunch_game_server.bat" batch script which is executed three hours.


You can get free AutoHotkey from www.autohotkey.com

Sleep, 10000  ; 10 seconds

Runwait, taskkill /im cmd.exe
Sleep, 2000  ; 2 seconds

Runwait, taskkill /im cmd.exe
Sleep, 2000  ; 2 seconds

Run, "C:\dayz_mod_server\__tool.script.restart_batch_script\LaunchIfNotRunning.bat", , min


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