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Zombie Spawn


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This is just an idea, but I believe it would dominate all previous zombie mod games with one simple inclusion.  There is a mod for Arma 3 called alive.  It allows the spawning and virtual movement of troops in a map without too much server needs.  We typically use it to add civilians into some cities, but it will also allow for virtual battles controlled by the AI.  I think that if epoch were to use this for the zombie spawns, there could be hordes of zombies during a map cycle. The AI could possibly have them move in the direction of loud noises, and just keep moving in that direction.  This is just a thought, but one worth checking into.

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There are no zombies in A3 Epoch.


But there could be isolated hordes/groups of some other antagonist, wild dogs/wolves, etc... Wouldn't it be cool to be looting around an aparently empty city and suddenly you start to hear a horde of whatever antagonist it could be? And pray not to be seen because if so you are pretty much fucked?

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How about trying something different, but keeping with the survival horror aspect. Maybe mutants, different types of mutants with different spawn situations. Have some attack in groups, have some attack solo like normal Ai, or maybe a town boss, a hulking figure that hits hard and needs lots of work to take down.

I think the A3 version is moving past zombies for now. There are other dangers that can be appealing in a post apocalyptic setting.

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Yes you are right about no need for AI, but only under certain circumstances.  I feel that is you have a populated server of players who are truly after the PVP experience and if the population matches the size of the map then ou can have it with player entities only.


1. But lets take a look at reasons for the AI.  Map is large and players are spreed out.  hardly finding each other.  IA mission provide rally points for conflict.

2. Server is quiet for some reason.  AI provides something to shoot at.

3. PVE server for those who do not want to hunt players but instead make friend with the other players and COOP things together.

4. A Chance for Bambi's to be able to go against hard but more predictable targets to get gear and experience.


I think if that maybe a Admin configurable option to turn on and off the antagonists would be a good idea. maybe even with our the need of server restart, something in the Admin menu of the game.


but this is just my 2 cents.  each person will have there own play style therefore the own preferences.

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Sad part is that people don't realize that there really does not need to be any AI antagonist in Epoch.


With things like Earthquakes, survival, exposure, shelter and of course other players the addition of ai enemies just feels tacked on and unnecessary.

Thats not correct. On 244 m2 are only human players not enough. The Servers would be too empty and only little parts of the map would be really used. If you put somethings like zombies in, it is not so empty and it makes it more atmospheric. 

Earthquakes, survival etc. has nothing to do with "necessery". Zombies would make players more nervous and the players havent unlimited time to loot places, because of the zombies. The zombies arent the ultimate threat, this will already be the players, but zombies will be the salt in the soup. 

In Breaking point it works fine, you play normal against Human Players, but the zombies are always in youre mind and you have to pay more attention.

Sorry for my bad english :-/

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