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Elevators and Plot Pole for Life

aVa Savagerx


I am trying to use Plot Pole for Life's plot pole checking functions for the elevator script by Axecop. Essentially I only want plot pole owners and tagged friendlies to be able to build elevators and elevator stops around their bases, not randoms. I have tried and failed and thus am asking for help :) the non plot pole for life version does not work on my server unfortunately as it wont detect my player as being near a plot pole even when I am standing right next to it. I know it has something to do with UIDs, PUIDs etc but I lack the necessary scripting knowledge to solve the problem.


Elevator Build Script


elevator_build.sqf (vanilla)

private ["_args","_option","_obj","_id","_elevatorStop","_dist"];

if (DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith { cutText ["Upgrade already in progress." , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
DZE_ActionInProgress = true;

player removeAction s_player_elevator_upgrade;
s_player_elevator_upgrade = 1;
player removeAction s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop;
s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop = 1;

_args = _this select 3;
_option = _args select 0;
switch (_option) do {
	case "build": {
		_obj = _args select 1;
		_id = [_obj] call ELE_fnc_generateElevatorId;
		if (_id == "") exitWith { cutText ["invalid elevator ID generated", "PLAIN"] };
		if ((ELE_RequiredBuildTools call AC_fnc_hasTools) && {ELE_RequiredBuildItems call AC_fnc_checkAndRemoveRequirements}) then {
			["Medic", ELE_MaxRange] call AC_fnc_doAnimationAndAlertZombies;
			ELE_elevator = [_obj, _id] call AC_fnc_swapObject;
			titleText ["Elevator Built", "PLAIN"];
	case "build_stop": {
		_obj = _args select 1;
		if (isNil "ELE_elevator") exitWith { cutText ["no elevator selected", "PLAIN"] };
		_dist = _obj distance ELE_elevator;
		if (_dist > ELE_MaxRange) exitWith { cutText [format["Elevator Stop is to far away from Elevator (%1 > %2)", _dist, ELE_MaxRange], "PLAIN"] };
		_id = [ELE_elevator] call ELE_fnc_getNextStopId;
		if (_id == "") exitWith { cutText ["Elevator Stop already exists or to many (max. 9 per Elevator)", "PLAIN"] };
		if ((ELE_RequiredBuildTools call AC_fnc_hasTools) && {ELE_RequiredBuildStopItems call AC_fnc_checkAndRemoveRequirements}) then {
			["Medic", ELE_MaxRange] call AC_fnc_doAnimationAndAlertZombies;
			_elevatorStop = [_obj, _id, ELE_StopClass] call AC_fnc_swapObject;
			titleText ["Elevator Stop Built", "PLAIN"];

DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
s_player_elevator_upgrade = -1;
s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop = -1;


Solution (for epoch without PP4L)



private ["_args","_option","_obj","_id","_elevatorStop","_dist","_canBuildOnPlot","_distance","_needText","_findNearestPoles","_findNearestPole","_IsNearPlot","_nearestPole","_ownerID","dayz_characterID","_friendlies"];
if (DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith { cutText ["Upgrade already in progress." , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
DZE_ActionInProgress = true;
player removeAction s_player_elevator_upgrade;
s_player_elevator_upgrade = 1;
player removeAction s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop;
s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop = 1;
// check for near plot
_canBuildOnPlot = false;
_distance = DZE_PlotPole select 0;
_needText = localize "str_epoch_player_246";
_findNearestPoles = nearestObjects [(vehicle player), ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], _distance];
_findNearestPole = [];
if (alive _x) then {
_findNearestPole set [(count _findNearestPole),_x];
} foreach _findNearestPoles;
_IsNearPlot = count (_findNearestPole);
if(_IsNearPlot == 0) then {
_canBuildOnPlot = true;
} else {
// Since there are plots nearby we check for ownership and then for friend status 
// check nearby plots ownership and then for friend status
_nearestPole = _findNearestPole select 0;
// Find owner 
_ownerID = _nearestPole getVariable["CharacterID","0"];
// diag_log format["DEBUG BUILDING: %1 = %2", dayz_characterID, _ownerID];
// check if friendly to owner
if(dayz_characterID == _ownerID) then {  //Keep ownership
// owner can build anything within his plot except other plots
_canBuildOnPlot = true; 
} else {
_friendlies = player getVariable ["friendlyTo",[]];
// check if friendly to owner
if(_ownerID in _friendlies) then {
_canBuildOnPlot = true;
if(!_canBuildOnPlot) exitWith {  DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_135"),_needText,_distance] , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
_args = _this select 3;
_option = _args select 0;
switch (_option) do {
case "build": {
_obj = _args select 1;
_id = [_obj] call ELE_fnc_generateElevatorId;
if (_id == "") exitWith { cutText ["invalid elevator ID generated", "PLAIN"] };
if ((ELE_RequiredBuildTools call AC_fnc_hasTools) && {ELE_RequiredBuildItems call AC_fnc_checkAndRemoveRequirements}) then {
["Medic", ELE_MaxRange] call AC_fnc_doAnimationAndAlertZombies;
ELE_elevator = [_obj, _id] call AC_fnc_swapObject;
titleText ["Elevator Built", "PLAIN"];
case "build_stop": {
_obj = _args select 1;
if (isNil "ELE_elevator") exitWith { cutText ["no elevator selected", "PLAIN"] };
_dist = _obj distance ELE_elevator;
if (_dist > ELE_MaxRange) exitWith { cutText [format["Elevator Stop is to far away from Elevator (%1 > %2)", _dist, ELE_MaxRange], "PLAIN"] };
_id = [ELE_elevator] call ELE_fnc_getNextStopId;
if (_id == "") exitWith { cutText ["Elevator Stop already exists or to many (max. 9 per Elevator)", "PLAIN"] };
if ((ELE_RequiredBuildTools call AC_fnc_hasTools) && {ELE_RequiredBuildStopItems call AC_fnc_checkAndRemoveRequirements}) then {
["Medic", ELE_MaxRange] call AC_fnc_doAnimationAndAlertZombies;
_elevatorStop = [_obj, _id, ELE_StopClass] call AC_fnc_swapObject;
titleText ["Elevator Stop Built", "PLAIN"];
DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
s_player_elevator_upgrade = -1;
s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop = -1;




Solution (for epoch with PP4L)




Unsure how to properly merge only the owner and tagged friendly pieces of the PP4L player_build.sqf because it uses PUID and other variables and I am not sure exactly how they interact. I use a version of Vector Building which includes snap pro and plot pole for life etc. The player_build.sqf is linked below



	DayZ Base Building
	Made for DayZ Epoch please ask permission to use/edit/distrubute email [email protected].
private ["_helperColor","_objectHelper","_objectHelperDir","_objectHelperPos","_canDo",

DZE_BuildVector = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]];

if(DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith { cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_40") , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
DZE_ActionInProgress = true;

// disallow building if too many objects are found within 30m
if((count ((getPosATL player) nearObjects ["All",30])) >= DZE_BuildingLimit) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_41"), "PLAIN DOWN"];};

_onLadder =		(getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "onLadder")) == 1;
_isWater = 		dayz_isSwimming;
_cancel = false;
_reason = "";
_canBuildOnPlot = false;

_vehicle = vehicle player;
_inVehicle = (_vehicle != player);
_playerUID = getPlayerUID player;

//snap vars -- temporary fix for errors so variables.sqf can be skipped
if (isNil "snapProVariables") then {
	if (isNil "DZE_snapExtraRange") then {
		DZE_snapExtraRange = 0;
	s_player_toggleSnap = -1;
	s_player_toggleSnapSelect = -1;
	snapActions = -1;
	snapGizmos = [];
	snapGizmosNearby = [];
	snapProVariables = true; // will skip this statement from now on.
// snap vars

helperDetach = false; 

_canDo = (!r_drag_sqf and !r_player_unconscious);

_vector = [];

fnc_SetPitchBankYawBuild = { 
    private ["_object","_rotations","_aroundX","_aroundY","_aroundZ","_dirX","_dirY","_dirZ","_upX","_upY","_upZ","_dir","_up","_dirXTemp",
    _object = _this select 0; 
    _rotations = _this select 1; 
    _aroundX = _rotations select 0; 
    _aroundY = _rotations select 1; 
    _aroundZ = (360 - (_rotations select 2)) - 360; 
    _dirX = 0; 
    _dirY = 1; 
    _dirZ = 0; 
    _upX = 0; 
    _upY = 0; 
    _upZ = 1; 
    if (_aroundX != 0) then { 
        _dirY = cos _aroundX; 
        _dirZ = sin _aroundX; 
        _upY = -sin _aroundX; 
        _upZ = cos _aroundX; 
    if (_aroundY != 0) then { 
        _dirX = _dirZ * sin _aroundY; 
        _dirZ = _dirZ * cos _aroundY; 
        _upX = _upZ * sin _aroundY; 
        _upZ = _upZ * cos _aroundY; 
    if (_aroundZ != 0) then { 
        _dirXTemp = _dirX; 
        _dirX = (_dirXTemp* cos _aroundZ) - (_dirY * sin _aroundZ); 
        _dirY = (_dirY * cos _aroundZ) + (_dirXTemp * sin _aroundZ);        
        _upXTemp = _upX; 
        _upX = (_upXTemp * cos _aroundZ) - (_upY * sin _aroundZ); 
        _upY = (_upY * cos _aroundZ) + (_upXTemp * sin _aroundZ); 		
    _dir = [_dirX,_dirY,_dirZ]; 
    _up = [_upX,_upY,_upZ]; 
    _object setVectorDirAndUp [_dir,_up];
	DZE_BuildVector = [_dir,_up];

DZE_Q = false;
DZE_Z = false;

DZE_Q_alt = false;
DZE_Z_alt = false;

DZE_Q_ctrl = false;
DZE_Z_ctrl = false;

DZE_5 = false;
DZE_4 = false;
DZE_6 = false;
DZE_F = false;

DZE_cancelBuilding = false;

call gear_ui_init;
closeDialog 1;

if (_isWater) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [localize "str_player_26", "PLAIN DOWN"];};
if (_inVehicle) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_42"), "PLAIN DOWN"];};
if (_onLadder) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [localize "str_player_21", "PLAIN DOWN"];};
if (player getVariable["combattimeout", 0] >= time) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_43"), "PLAIN DOWN"];};

_item =	_this;

// Need Near Requirements
_abort = false;
_reason = "";

_needNear = 	getArray (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _item >> "ItemActions" >> "Build" >> "neednearby");

	switch(_x) do{
		case "fire":
			_distance = 3;
			_isNear = {inflamed _x} count (getPosATL player nearObjects _distance);
			if(_isNear == 0) then {
				_abort = true;
				_reason = "fire";
		case "workshop":
			_distance = 3;
			_isNear = count (nearestObjects [player, ["Wooden_shed_DZ","WoodShack_DZ","WorkBench_DZ"], _distance]);
			if(_isNear == 0) then {
				_abort = true;
				_reason = "workshop";
		case "fueltank":
			_distance = 30;
			_isNear = count (nearestObjects [player, dayz_fuelsources, _distance]);
			if(_isNear == 0) then {
				_abort = true;
				_reason = "fuel tank";
} forEach _needNear;

if(_abort) exitWith {
	cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_135"),_reason,_distance], "PLAIN DOWN"];
	DZE_ActionInProgress = false;

_classname = 	getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _item >> "ItemActions" >> "Build" >> "create");
_classnametmp = _classname;
_require =  getArray (configFile >> "cfgMagazines" >> _this >> "ItemActions" >> "Build" >> "require");
_text = 		getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "displayName");
_ghost = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "ghostpreview");

_lockable = 0;
if(isNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "lockable")) then {
	_lockable = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "lockable");

_requireplot = DZE_requireplot;
if(isNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "requireplot")) then {
	_requireplot = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "requireplot");

_isAllowedUnderGround = 1;
if(isNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "nounderground")) then {
	_isAllowedUnderGround = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "nounderground");

_offset = 	getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "offset");
if((count _offset) <= 0) then {
	_offset = [0,1.5,0];

_isPole = (_classname == "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ");
_isLandFireDZ = (_classname == "Land_Fire_DZ");

_distance = DZE_PlotPole select 0;
_needText = localize "str_epoch_player_246";

if(_isPole) then {
	_distance = DZE_PlotPole select 1;

// check for near plot
_findNearestPoles = nearestObjects [(vehicle player), ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], _distance];
_findNearestPole = [];

	if (alive _x) then {
		_findNearestPole set [(count _findNearestPole),_x];
} count _findNearestPoles;

_IsNearPlot = count (_findNearestPole);

// If item is plot pole && another one exists within 45m
if(_isPole && _IsNearPlot > 0) exitWith {  DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_44") , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };

if(_IsNearPlot == 0) then {

	// Allow building of plot
	if(_requireplot == 0 || _isLandFireDZ) then {
		_canBuildOnPlot = true;

} else {
	// Since there are plots nearby we check for ownership && then for friend status

	// check nearby plots ownership && then for friend status
	_nearestPole = _findNearestPole select 0;

	// Find owner
	_ownerID = _nearestPole getVariable ["ownerPUID","0"];

	 diag_log format["Player_build start: [PlayerUID = %1]  [OwnerID = %2]", _playerUID, _ownerID];

	// check if friendly to owner
	if(_playerUID == _ownerID) then {  //Keep ownership
		// owner can build anything within his plot except other plots
		diag_log text "Player is owner";
		if(!_isPole) then {
			_canBuildOnPlot = true;
	} else {
		// disallow building plot
		if(!_isPole) then {
			_friendlies		= player getVariable ["friendlyTo",[]];
			// check if friendly to owner
			if(_ownerID in _friendlies) then {
				_canBuildOnPlot = true;

// _message
if(!_canBuildOnPlot) exitWith {  DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_135"),_needText,_distance] , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };

_missing = "";
_hasrequireditem = true;
	_hastoolweapon = _x in weapons player;
	if(!_hastoolweapon) exitWith { _hasrequireditem = false; _missing = getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _x >> "displayName"); };
} count _require;

_hasbuilditem = _this in magazines player;
if (!_hasbuilditem) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [format[(localize "str_player_31"),_text,"build"] , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };

if (!_hasrequireditem) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_137"),_missing] , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
if (_hasrequireditem) then {

	_location = [0,0,0];
	_isOk = true;

	// get inital players position
	_location1 = getPosATL player;
	_dir = getDir player;

	// if ghost preview available use that instead
	/*if (_ghost != "") then {
		_classname = _ghost;

	_object = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
	_object setDir 0;
	//Build gizmo
	_objectHelper = "Sign_sphere10cm_EP1" createVehicle _location;
	_helperColor = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,ca)";
	_objectHelper setobjecttexture [0,_helperColor];
	_objectHelper attachTo [player,_offset];
	_object attachTo [_objectHelper,[0,0,0]];
	_position = getPosATL _objectHelper;
	//cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_45"), "PLAIN DOWN"];

	_objHDiff = 0;

	if (isClass (missionConfigFile >> "SnapBuilding" >> _classname)) then {	
		["","","",["Init",_object,_classname,_objectHelper]] spawn snap_build;

	DZE_updateVec = false;
	DZE_memDir = getDir _objectHelper;
	DZE_memForBack = 0;
	DZE_memLeftRight = 0;
	if !(_classname in DZE_noRotate) then{
		s_player_setVectorsReset = player addaction ["Reset","Mods\SnapBuildPro\player_vectorChange.sqf","reset"];
		s_player_setVectorsForward = player addaction ["Pitch Forward","Mods\SnapBuildPro\player_vectorChange.sqf","forward"];
		s_player_setVectorsBack = player addaction ["Pitch Back","Mods\SnapBuildPro\player_vectorChange.sqf","back"];
		s_player_setVectorsLeft = player addaction ["Bank Left","Mods\SnapBuildPro\player_vectorChange.sqf","left"];
		s_player_setVectorsRight = player addaction ["Bank Right","Mods\SnapBuildPro\player_vectorChange.sqf","right"];
		s_player_setVectors1 = player addaction ["Increment by 1 degree","Mods\SnapBuildPro\player_vectorChange.sqf","1"];
		s_player_setVectors5 = player addaction ["Increment by 5 degrees","Mods\SnapBuildPro\player_vectorChange.sqf","5"];
		s_player_setVectors45 = player addaction ["Increment by 45 degrees","Mods\SnapBuildPro\player_vectorChange.sqf","45"];
		s_player_setVectors90 = player addaction ["Increment by 90 degrees","Mods\SnapBuildPro\player_vectorChange.sqf","90"];
	while {_isOk} do {

		_zheightchanged = false;
		_zheightdirection = "";
		_rotate = false;

		if (DZE_Q) then {
			DZE_Q = false;
			_zheightdirection = "up";
			_zheightchanged = true;
		if (DZE_Z) then {
			DZE_Z = false;
			_zheightdirection = "down";
			_zheightchanged = true;
		if (DZE_Q_alt) then {
			DZE_Q_alt = false;
			_zheightdirection = "up_alt";
			_zheightchanged = true;
		if (DZE_Z_alt) then {
			DZE_Z_alt = false;
			_zheightdirection = "down_alt";
			_zheightchanged = true;
		if (DZE_Q_ctrl) then {
			DZE_Q_ctrl = false;
			_zheightdirection = "up_ctrl";
			_zheightchanged = true;
		if (DZE_Z_ctrl) then {
			DZE_Z_ctrl = false;
			_zheightdirection = "down_ctrl";
			_zheightchanged = true;
		if (DZE_4) then {
			_rotate = true;
			DZE_4 = false;
			if (helperDetach) then {
				_dir = -45;
				DZE_memDir = DZE_memDir - 45;
			} else {
				_dir = 180;
				DZE_memDir = 180;
		if (DZE_6) then {
			_rotate = true;
			DZE_6 = false;
			if (helperDetach) then {
				_dir = 45;
				DZE_memDir = DZE_memDir + 45;
			} else {
				_dir = 0;
				DZE_memDir = 0;
		if(DZE_updateVec) then{
			[_objectHelper,[DZE_memForBack,DZE_memLeftRight,DZE_memDir]] call fnc_SetPitchBankYawBuild;
			DZE_updateVec = false;
		if (DZE_F and _canDo) then {
			if (helperDetach) then {
				_objectHelper attachTo [player];
				DZE_memDir = DZE_memDir-(getDir player);
				helperDetach = false;
				[_objectHelper,[DZE_memForBack,DZE_memLeftRight,DZE_memDir]] call fnc_SetPitchBankYawBuild;
			} else {		
				_objectHelperPos = getPosATL _objectHelper;
				detach _objectHelper;			
				DZE_memDir = getDir _objectHelper;
				[_objectHelper,[DZE_memForBack,DZE_memLeftRight,DZE_memDir]] call fnc_SetPitchBankYawBuild;
				_objectHelper setPosATL _objectHelperPos;
				_objectHelper setVelocity [0,0,0]; //fix sliding glitch
				helperDetach = true;
			DZE_F = false;

		if(_rotate) then {
			[_objectHelper,[DZE_memForBack,DZE_memLeftRight,DZE_memDir]] call fnc_SetPitchBankYawBuild;

		if(_zheightchanged) then {
			if (!helperDetach) then {
			detach _objectHelper;

			_position = getPosATL _objectHelper;

			if(_zheightdirection == "up") then {
				_position set [2,((_position select 2)+0.1)];
				_objHDiff = _objHDiff + 0.1;
			if(_zheightdirection == "down") then {
				_position set [2,((_position select 2)-0.1)];
				_objHDiff = _objHDiff - 0.1;

			if(_zheightdirection == "up_alt") then {
				_position set [2,((_position select 2)+1)];
				_objHDiff = _objHDiff + 1;
			if(_zheightdirection == "down_alt") then {
				_position set [2,((_position select 2)-1)];
				_objHDiff = _objHDiff - 1;

			if(_zheightdirection == "up_ctrl") then {
				_position set [2,((_position select 2)+0.01)];
				_objHDiff = _objHDiff + 0.01;
			if(_zheightdirection == "down_ctrl") then {
				_position set [2,((_position select 2)-0.01)];
				_objHDiff = _objHDiff - 0.01;

			_objectHelper setDir (getDir _objectHelper);

			if((_isAllowedUnderGround == 0) && ((_position select 2) < 0)) then {
				_position set [2,0];

			_objectHelper setPosATL _position;

			//diag_log format["DEBUG Change BUILDING POS: %1", _position];

			if (!helperDetach) then {
				_objectHelper attachTo [player];
			[_objectHelper,[DZE_memForBack,DZE_memLeftRight,DZE_memDir]] call fnc_SetPitchBankYawBuild;

		sleep 0.5;

		_location2 = getPosATL player;
		_objectHelperPos = getPosATL _objectHelper;
		if(DZE_5) exitWith {
			_isOk = false;
			detach _object;			
			_dir = getDir _object;
			_vector = [(vectorDir _object),(vectorUp _object)];	
			_position = getPosATL _object;
			//diag_log format["DEBUG BUILDING POS: %1", _position];
			deleteVehicle _object;
			detach _objectHelper;
			deleteVehicle _objectHelper;

		if(_location1 distance _location2 > 10) exitWith {
			_isOk = false;
			_cancel = true;
			_reason = "You've moved to far away from where you started building (within 10 meters)";
			detach _object;
			deleteVehicle _object;
			detach _objectHelper;
			deleteVehicle _objectHelper;
		if(_location1 distance _objectHelperPos > 10) exitWith {
			_isOk = false;
			_cancel = true;
			_reason = "Object is placed to far away from where you started building (within 10 meters)";
			detach _object;
			deleteVehicle _object;
			detach _objectHelper;
			deleteVehicle _objectHelper;

		if(abs(_objHDiff) > 10) exitWith {
			_isOk = false;
			_cancel = true;
			_reason = "Cannot move up or down more than 10 meters";
			detach _object;
			deleteVehicle _object;
			detach _objectHelper;
			deleteVehicle _objectHelper;

		if (player getVariable["combattimeout", 0] >= time) exitWith {
			_isOk = false;
			_cancel = true;
			_reason = (localize "str_epoch_player_43");
			detach _object;
			deleteVehicle _object;
			detach _objectHelper;
			deleteVehicle _objectHelper;

		if (DZE_cancelBuilding) exitWith {
			_isOk = false;
			_cancel = true;
			_reason = "Cancelled building.";
			detach _object;
			deleteVehicle _object;
			detach _objectHelper;
			deleteVehicle _objectHelper;
	if !(_classname in DZE_noRotate) then{
		player removeAction s_player_setVectorsReset;
		player removeAction s_player_setVectorsForward;
		player removeAction s_player_setVectorsBack;
		player removeAction s_player_setVectorsLeft;
		player removeAction s_player_setVectorsRight;
		player removeAction s_player_setVectors1;
		player removeAction s_player_setVectors5;
		player removeAction s_player_setVectors45;
		player removeAction s_player_setVectors90;
	//No building on roads unless toggled
	if (!DZE_BuildOnRoads) then {
		if (isOnRoad _position) then { _cancel = true; _reason = "Cannot build on a road."; };

	// No building in trader zones
	if(!canbuild) then { _cancel = true; _reason = "Cannot build in a city."; };

	if(!_cancel) then {

		_classname = _classnametmp;

		// Start Build
		_tmpbuilt = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

		_tmpbuilt setdir _dir;

		// Get position based on object
		_location = _position;

		if((_isAllowedUnderGround == 0) && ((_location select 2) < 0)) then {
			_location set [2,0];

		_tmpbuilt setVectorDirAndUp _vector;
		_tmpbuilt setPosATL _location;

		cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_138"),_text], "PLAIN DOWN"];

		_limit = 3;

		if (DZE_StaticConstructionCount > 0) then {
			_limit = DZE_StaticConstructionCount;
		else {
			if (isNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "constructioncount")) then {
				_limit = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "constructioncount");

		_isOk = true;
		_proceed = false;
		_counter = 0;

		while {_isOk} do {

			[10,10] call dayz_HungerThirst;
			player playActionNow "Medic";

			_sfx = "repair";
			[player,_sfx,0,false,_dis] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
			[player,_dis,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;

			r_interrupt = false;
			r_doLoop = true;
			_started = false;
			_finished = false;

			while {r_doLoop} do {
				_animState = animationState player;
				_isMedic = ["medic",_animState] call fnc_inString;
				if (_isMedic) then {
					_started = true;
				if (_started && !_isMedic) then {
					r_doLoop = false;
					_finished = true;
				if (r_interrupt || (player getVariable["combattimeout", 0] >= time)) then {
					r_doLoop = false;
				if (DZE_cancelBuilding) exitWith {
					r_doLoop = false;
				sleep 0.1;
			r_doLoop = false;

			if(!_finished) exitWith {
				_isOk = false;
				_proceed = false;

			if(_finished) then {
				_counter = _counter + 1;

			cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_139"),_text, _counter,_limit], "PLAIN DOWN"];

			if(_counter == _limit) exitWith {
				_isOk = false;
				_proceed = true;


		if (_proceed) then {

			_num_removed = ([player,_item] call BIS_fnc_invRemove);
			if(_num_removed == 1) then {

				cutText [format[localize "str_build_01",_text], "PLAIN DOWN"];

				if (_isPole) then {
					[] spawn player_plotPreview;

				_tmpbuilt setVariable ["OEMPos",_location,true];

				if(_lockable > 1) then {

					_combinationDisplay = "";

					switch (_lockable) do {

						case 2: { // 2 lockbox
							_combination_1 = (floor(random 3)) + 100; // 100=red,101=green,102=blue
							_combination_2 = floor(random 10);
							_combination_3 = floor(random 10);
							_combination = format["%1%2%3",_combination_1,_combination_2,_combination_3];
							dayz_combination = _combination;
							if (_combination_1 == 100) then {
								_combination_1_Display = "Red";
							if (_combination_1 == 101) then {
								_combination_1_Display = "Green";
							if (_combination_1 == 102) then {
								_combination_1_Display = "Blue";
							_combinationDisplay = format["%1%2%3",_combination_1_Display,_combination_2,_combination_3];

						case 3: { // 3 combolock
							_combination_1 = floor(random 10);
							_combination_2 = floor(random 10);
							_combination_3 = floor(random 10);
							_combination = format["%1%2%3",_combination_1,_combination_2,_combination_3];
							dayz_combination = _combination;
							_combinationDisplay = _combination;

						case 4: { // 4 safe
							_combination_1 = floor(random 10);
							_combination_2 = floor(random 10);
							_combination_3 = floor(random 10);
							_combination_4 = floor(random 10);
							_combination = format["%1%2%3%4",_combination_1,_combination_2,_combination_3,_combination_4];
							dayz_combination = _combination;
							_combinationDisplay = _combination;

					_tmpbuilt setVariable ["CharacterID",_combination,true];
					_tmpbuilt setVariable ["ownerPUID",_playerUID,true];

					PVDZE_obj_Publish = [_combination,_tmpbuilt,[_dir,_location,_playerUID,_vector],_classname];
					publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Publish";

					cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_140"),_combinationDisplay,_text], "PLAIN DOWN", 5];

				} else {
					_tmpbuilt setVariable ["CharacterID",dayz_characterID,true];
					_tmpbuilt setVariable ["ownerPUID",_playerUID,true];
					// fire?
					if(_tmpbuilt isKindOf "Land_Fire_DZ") then {
						_tmpbuilt spawn player_fireMonitor;
					} else {
						PVDZE_obj_Publish = [dayz_characterID,_tmpbuilt,[_dir,_location,_playerUID,_vector],_classname];
						publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Publish";
			} else {
				deleteVehicle _tmpbuilt;
				cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_46") , "PLAIN DOWN"];

		} else {
			r_interrupt = false;
			if (vehicle player == player) then {
				[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,""] call RE;
				player playActionNow "stop";

			deleteVehicle _tmpbuilt;

			cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_46") , "PLAIN DOWN"];

	} else {
		cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_47"),_text,_reason], "PLAIN DOWN"];

DZE_ActionInProgress = false;

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11 answers to this question

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Probably would have been easier to PM me or put a message in my thread for A Plot for Life as I don't always see these seperate threads.


What version of A Plot for Life are you using (v2.2.6 is the latest) ?.


The code you have posted is using th characterID which is not what APfL now uses for buildable ownership.  The objects owner is now held in a new object variable called ownerPUID.  This can then be compared with the players UID obtained from the command


playerPUID = player getplayerUID; 


Then just compare the two.


This should still work with the code you already have if the person building is the owner of the plot pole and is using the same character that built the plot pole (ie they did not die after building the pole but before trying to build the new elevator).


The check for the friendlies is a different matter as the friendlies identifier with APfL installed is their SteamID and this will never be sucessful if compared with a plot poles characterID field (as it is too small to contain the SteamIDs).  If you compare the tagfriendlys to the objects ownerPUID it should work though if the owner and the firendly tagged friendly after APfL v2+ was installed.


You should be able to just use lines 22 and the block from line 122 -> 182 from the player_build.sqf on my git for this.


If you should only be able to build near a plot pole then you can put in an exitwith (or change the ne already there) for _IsNearPlot = 0; and then remove lines 144 -> 151 and line 179 as you have already accounted for that check.

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Thanks for the reply RimBlock,


I am using the version provided with the section that is preconfigured for compatibility with your mod and Raymix's Snap Build Pro. I am not sure which version that is however. (when I compared them with my standard APfL install (fused with snapbuilds playerbuild.sqf) there were no differences except for the vector build additions so I just used the one provided. Having looked at it I am fairly certain it is the current stable version released. 


So in theory, if I use the lines 22 and the block from line 122 -> 182 that you linked, and add that to the elevator_build.sqf it should then do the ownership and tagged friendly check. got it.


Essentially I am trying to prevent a glitch that allows people to build elevators within the boundaries of someone else's plot pole because the elevator build script did not account for this. It is simple in theory but in reality it is the variables that confuse me. I am new to scripting so this one is a challenge but I will take your suggestions and give it a crack! 


Thank you for your time

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Alrighty, I got some free time and had a few cracks at it. No luck :(


I get the dialog option to build elevator but Infistar bans me. I am fairly certain that I am breaking the script when trying to implement the code.


13:06:12 "infiSTAR.de Log: [aVa] Savage (123456789123456789) | GameFNCbroken: distance (BANNED)"
13:06:12 "infiSTAR.de Log: SERVER kicked [aVa] Savage(123456789123456789) @123456"
13:06:12 "nil player object attempting PV, :["123456789123456789","[aVa] Savage"]"


Server RPT is clean


Client Side RPT has errors



"Elevator script initialized"
Error in expression <false];
} else {
player removeAction s_player_elevator_next;
  Error position: <s_player_elevator_next;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: s_player_elevator_next
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Tavi\Custom\Elevator\elevator_init.sqf, line 71


Please also take a look at my AP4L Merged elevator build script.



private ["_args","_option","_obj","_id","_elevatorStop","_dist","_canBuildOnPlot","_distance","_needText","_findNearestPoles","_findNearestPole","_IsNearPlot","_nearestPole","_ownerID","dayz_characterID","_friendlies","_playerUID","_isPole","_requireplot"];
if (DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith { cutText ["Upgrade already in progress." , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
DZE_ActionInProgress = true;
player removeAction s_player_elevator_upgrade;
s_player_elevator_upgrade = 1;
player removeAction s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop;
s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop = 1;
_playerUID = getPlayerUID player;

distance = DZE_PlotPole select 0;

_needText = localize "str_epoch_player_246";

if(_isPole) then {
	_distance = DZE_PlotPole select 1;

// check for near plot
_findNearestPoles = nearestObjects [(vehicle player), ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], _distance];
_findNearestPole = [];

	if (alive _x) then {
		_findNearestPole set [(count _findNearestPole),_x];
} count _findNearestPoles;

_IsNearPlot = count (_findNearestPole);

// If item is plot pole && another one exists within 45m
if(_isPole && _IsNearPlot > 0) exitWith {  DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_44") , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };

if(_IsNearPlot == 0) then {

	// Allow building of plot
	if(_requireplot == 0 || _isLandFireDZ) then {
		_canBuildOnPlot = true;

} else {
	// Since there are plots nearby we check for ownership && then for friend status

	// check nearby plots ownership && then for friend status
	_nearestPole = _findNearestPole select 0;

	// Find owner
	_ownerID = _nearestPole getVariable ["ownerPUID","0"];

	 diag_log format["Player_build start: [PlayerUID = %1]  [OwnerID = %2]", _playerUID, _ownerID];

	// check if friendly to owner
	if(_playerUID == _ownerID) then {  //Keep ownership
		// owner can build anything within his plot except other plots
		diag_log text "Player is owner";
		if(!_isPole) then {
			_canBuildOnPlot = true;
	} else {
		// disallow building plot
		if(!_isPole) then {
			_friendlies		= player getVariable ["friendlyTo",[]];
			// check if friendly to owner
			if(_ownerID in _friendlies) then {
				_canBuildOnPlot = true;

if(!_canBuildOnPlot) exitWith {  DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_135"),_needText,_distance] , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
_args = _this select 3;
_option = _args select 0;
switch (_option) do {
case "build": {
_obj = _args select 1;
_id = [_obj] call ELE_fnc_generateElevatorId;
if (_id == "") exitWith { cutText ["invalid elevator ID generated", "PLAIN"] };
if ((ELE_RequiredBuildTools call AC_fnc_hasTools) && {ELE_RequiredBuildItems call AC_fnc_checkAndRemoveRequirements}) then {
["Medic", ELE_MaxRange] call AC_fnc_doAnimationAndAlertZombies;
ELE_elevator = [_obj, _id] call AC_fnc_swapObject;
titleText ["Elevator Built", "PLAIN"];
case "build_stop": {
_obj = _args select 1;
if (isNil "ELE_elevator") exitWith { cutText ["no elevator selected", "PLAIN"] };
_dist = _obj distance ELE_elevator;
if (_dist > ELE_MaxRange) exitWith { cutText [format["Elevator Stop is to far away from Elevator (%1 > %2)", _dist, ELE_MaxRange], "PLAIN"] };
_id = [ELE_elevator] call ELE_fnc_getNextStopId;
if (_id == "") exitWith { cutText ["Elevator Stop already exists or to many (max. 9 per Elevator)", "PLAIN"] };
if ((ELE_RequiredBuildTools call AC_fnc_hasTools) && {ELE_RequiredBuildStopItems call AC_fnc_checkAndRemoveRequirements}) then {
["Medic", ELE_MaxRange] call AC_fnc_doAnimationAndAlertZombies;
_elevatorStop = [_obj, _id, ELE_StopClass] call AC_fnc_swapObject;
titleText ["Elevator Stop Built", "PLAIN"];
DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
s_player_elevator_upgrade = -1;
s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop = -1; 


Any ideas where I went wrong?

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Well the file with the error listed is mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Tavi\Custom\Elevator\elevator_init.sqf


If there is an error in that file then it usually stops anything else processing after the error which is likely to cause issues. 


I would suggest sorting that one out first.


Have you defined the s_player_elevator_next variable in the variables.sqf file so it is global ?.

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Will have a look into my code, only just realised the issue.

I have also got p4l, snap build pro, plot management, vecotor building and have also noticed that when placing vehicle or player on the elevator and they allign east/west Causes quite a issue for some players.. :lol:

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