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Running 2 servers on a single machine?



Hi, I've had an Epoch (now Overpoch) Chernarus server running on a VPS for a few months now with no issues.  I'm now attempting to set up a new map (Napf) and For some reason I'm unable to connect when both servers are running...


I've changed the ports (arma2oaserver and SQL DB) and done all that but when joining I just get the 'Wait for host' screen while my *.RPT spams 'Server error: Player without identity MyUserName (id 0000000000)'.


If I shut down my Chernarus server I can log in to Napf just fine and there are no issues.  If I run them both at the same time this is when I'm unable to connect to the Napf map.


I've done the following in attempt to resolve the issue:


- Copied the entire contents of my Chernarus server's folder into a new folder and set it up for Napf

          -  Changed the arma2oaserver.exe to arma2oaserver_napf.exe


-  Ran both servers from the same directory using the same arma2oaserver.exe


Using each of these methods, the issue is the same...


Any thoughts?

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We are running two servers on our dedicated server, currently Epoch as a PvE and Overpoch as a PVP. But i'm in the process of redoing the PvE to Overpoch. Do you connect to the DB with the same ID/password? if so, try creating a different user account on your DB for each instance.

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I have 2 databases but they are both running under the same login/pass in the same SQL service.  One server is overpoch, the other is just going to be epoch Nafp.  As I mentioned, each server will run just fine individually...  If i start Epoch server first I can join it but then I can't join Overpoch, if I start Overpoch server first, I can join it, but not the Epoch server.  So it seems like there is some kind of conflict in the ports or in the DB...  I was considering purchasing another IP from my vendor but other people don't have a problem running on the same IP as long as they change the ports to the server and/or the DB.   Maybe I'll try setting up a separate DB service for each and see if that resolves the issue...  I can probably test that first by breaking access to the DB on one of the server and then launch it by itself to see if i get the same errors in the *.RPT.   I'll let you know...   Any other tips would be helpful.

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I have three instances of Epoch running on a single server (Charnarus, Lingor and Sauerland). I created a separate DB for every instance and have them running on ports 2303, 2304 and 2307 (starting with the provided batch files) and it worked for months now. The three folders for the separate configs of course, as well as all MPMissions configured and the necessary keys. Don't know what else to tell you... that should be it.

But i don't know about overpoch.

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Nope, that's basically it, we have two running as well, Charnarus is our PvP Overpoch  and NAPF is our PvE Epoch (soon to be Overpoch). running on posts 2302 and 2303  two separately named databases on the same MySQL server. everything in the same Epoch server folder, so main server files to get server going is still shared.



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should I install a separate instance of SQL Server?  Is this something anyone else has had to do?

that's not needed. Just create a new database and just setup normally in a different subdirectory.

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